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  1. Chine et Etats Unis

    none Dans le cadre de ses cycles annuels thématiques, la Fondation Prospective et Innovation a retenu de suivre la première année de la présidence de Joe Biden. Elle le fera en privilégiant la relation des États-Unis et le monde émergent (en particulier l ...

  2. "Impudent Jews" The Forgotten Individual Jewish Resistance in Hitler’s Germany- An online lecture by Pr. Wolf Gruner

    none Jewish resistance during the Holocaust is still understood mostly in terms of rare armed group activities in the Nazi occupied East, for example ghetto uprisings or partisan activities. Based on a new approach and new sources, as police and court mat ...

  3. The Democratic Boundary Problem – A Function-Sensitive View

    none In response to the democratic boundary problem, two principles have been seen as competitors: the all-affected interests principle and the all-subjected principle. This article claims that these principles are in fact compatible, being justified vis- ...

  4. Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Justice

    none Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Justice This paper aims at proposing a definition of the concept of “postcolonial justice” in view of elaborating an empirically-informed theory of postcolonial justice qua reparative justice. For this purpose, it sug ...

  5. Should the people control public spending? A normative assessment of balanced budget constitutional amendments

    none Should the people control public spending? A normative assessment of balanced budget constitutional amendments During the XX century, many western countries introduced balanced budget constitutional amendments (BBCA), i.e. they reformed their constit ...

  6. The Privatized State

    none The Center for Critical Democracy Studies invites Chiara Cordelli for a talk entitled "The Privatized State." Prof. Cordelli will be discussing a chapter of her recent book with the same title,  The Privatized State. About the Book Many gov ...

  7. New technologies of warfare – the challenges raised by Autonomous Weapons Systems and Cyberwarfare

    none Of the main challenges with autonomous weapon systems lies in the difficulty of anticipating their effects. From a humanitarian perspective, they risk harming civilians, and they increase the risk of conflict escalation. From a legal perspective, the ...

  8. Prof. Annabelle Lever (Sciences Po Paris): Democracy in Selection

    none Should we replace elections with lotteries?  Bernard Manin’s famous book on representative government first taught many of us that the Greeks thought of elections as an aristocratic, not a democratic, way to select people for political power and auth ...

  9. Marc Hecker and Élie Tenenbaum: The End of the War on Terror?

    none The lecture will draw on the book The Twenty Years’ War: Jihadism and Counterterrorism in the XXIst Century. Based on several years of field investigations, this book, which was recently awarded the Prix du livre géopolitique, offers the first histor ...

  10. D.Rad Symposium: Trends of Radicalization in Europe and Beyond

    none The Symposium will present the findings of 17 countries on trends of radicalization in Europe and the Middle East. The reports analyze specific moments – or “hotspots” – of radicalization in historical, social, and cultural context and are part of th ...
