Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

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Search results

  1. Thanksgiving Feast 2018

    Donate Sign up ...

  2. Student Union Get-together

    none The Student Union is holding is first get-together on campus to update the student body about the progress of its ongoing causes. Non-alcoholic drinks will be served. 100 ...

  3. Hunting Ground screening

    none AUP for Consent is hosting a film screening of the Hunting Ground followed by a discussion of the film. 100 Related Links AUP For Consent ...

  4. Giverny & Auvers-sur-Oise

    none The serene landscape and constantly changing patterns of light along the Seine were a major source of inspiration for the many 19th century artists drawn to this region. In the morning, travel by bus from Paris to Auvers-sur-Oise, a picturesque villa ...

  5. Normandy: Medieval History and WWII D-Day Sites

    none Discover a piece of the rich history of Normandy by visiting the quaint Norman town of Bayeux and the impressive D-Day sites of World War II. In the morning, travel by bus to Bayeux, home to the nearly 1000 year-old and 70 meter-long tapestry of Baye ...

  6. Champagne

    none Champagne, the region between Lorraine and Paris, is the only internationally recognized source of real champagne. Learn about the rigorous méthode champenoise that has made this wine so special that it has come to symbolize the essence of celebratio ...

  7. Wine & Cheese Tasting in 17th Century Cheese Cellar

    none Learn about cheese in an authentic and professional environment! Enjoy tasting and pairing exceptional cheeses with wonderful wines, in the 17th century cheese cellar of the Marais cheese shop! Your English-speaking guide will be the fromager himself ...

  8. Wine & Cheese Tasting in 17th Century Cheese Cellar

    none Learn about cheese in an authentic and professional environment! Enjoy tasting and pairing exceptional cheeses with wonderful wines, in the 17th century cheese cellar of the Marais cheese shop! Your English-speaking guide will be the fromager himself ...

  9. Chocolate Tasting Tour

    none Discover the history of chocolate and why Paris is the capital of fine chocolate. Visit a variety of excellent chocolatiers and learn using all five senses, including taste! Learn how to choose and appreciate quality chocolate. Minimum: 12 participan ...

  10. AUP Thanksgiving Football Game

    none Come join UNICEF and AUP in our first Thanksgiving Football game November 24th from 13h-15h at Parc Suzanne-Lenglen 🏈!  If you want to play, sign up you team at goo.gl/3xztVw or email us at campus-unicef aup.edu.  Each student who comes to watch or ...
