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  1. Human Dignity and the Calculus of Human Worth with Speaker Margarita Boenig-Liptsin

    /widget-text-with-image/image/MBL.jpg?itok=nAKqdShS Zoom links will be sent to participants the day before each event. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links ...

  2. Technology, Activism and the Social Good with Speaker Jessica Feldman (AUP)

    communication tools at lower layers. 100 Zoom links will be sent to participants the day before each event. 100 ...

  3. AI + Algorithmics: A Sword for Progress or for Self-Destruction? with speaker Cédric Villani

    /images/widget-text-with-image/image/CVillani.jpg?itok=m4pwdlXo Zoom links will be sent to participants the day before each event. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured ...

  4. Data, Artificial Intelligence and Our Responsibilities with Jon Iwata (Founding Executive Director of the Data and Trust Alliance)

    to participants the day before each event. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links Presidential Lecture ...

  5. Anti-Fascism as a Differentially Mobilizing Ideology: Anti-Imperialism and the Failed Globalization of the European Left, 1935-1979 | DEMOS21

    European Left, 1935-1979," as part of its DEMOS 21 convocation. This is a virtual event and ... Registration details will be sent via email to all registrants 24 hours prior to the event.   100 Related Links ...

  6. Research Seminar: Collège International de Philosophie

    are interested in attending, contact ofeltham for event details. During this virtual event ...

  7. Global Medicine in the Republic of China, 1937 to 1970 | DEMOS21

    1937 to 1970", as part of its DEMOS 21 convocation. This is a virtual event and registration is ... details will be sent via email to all registrants 24 hours prior to the event.   100 Related Links DEMOS21 ...

  8. Founding Week 2023 Reflects on AUP’s International Values

    their own work. Both delivered lectures that explored current events — in this case the Russian invasion ... on Tuesday, March 28. This on-campus event encouraged community members to wear their AUP colors and ... including a coffee roulette event run by Human Resources, which brought together groups of colleagues in ...

  9. Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse and Jakuta Alikavazovic | Specters of Violence

    a regular column for the daily newspaper  Libération. This event is free and open to AUP students, faculty ...

  10. Online Registration | Media Diversity, Hybridity and Democratic Transition with speaker Fatima el Issawi

    the link to attend on Zoom prior to the event's start time.   100 Fixed-50px space Civic Medic ...
