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Search results

  1. Alumni World’s Fair Meet Ups: Celebrate Diversity at AUP

    none At AUP we speak proudly about the diversity of our community. For this series of events ...

  2. AUP Founding Week 2022

    Reunions Parents Campus Donor Events Celebrating 60 Years centered none The American College in ... inspire the global explorers of today. Below is a review of the Founding Week events that took place on ... AUP’s campus and around the world. 100 of the AUP Community Events centered none Alumni Big Tuesday, ...

  3. Alumni Paris Chapter Launch

    Projects which is co-partnered by former AUP student Joshua Fontaine. This event will allow you to learn ...

  4. Latino Fiesta

    awareness for the situation in Venezuela. Entry to the event is free but we will be selling food with prices ...

  5. Soldats Noirs

    educational and entertaining events for you! The US Embassy has organized a roundtable on February 12 coupled ...

  6. Hemingway in Paris Conference

    momentous events. Stressing the international importance of Hemingway, the conference hopes to be an ...

  7. Psychology and GSS Open House

    offer. We believe this event will help you: Connect with students, faculty, and staff from the Psychology ...

  8. Brazil: What's Up?

    expectations for its future. Guest speakers for the event will be Jens Arnold, Head of OECD for Brazil and ...

  9. Worlds Fair 2019

    foods from all over the globe that other students have cooked. This event is a long-running tradition ...

  10. Black History Month- Black | Power: Race and Privilege in Enlightenment France

    Related Links View all Black History Month Events ...
