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  1. De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond

    is identified when a specific event of physical and emotional violence is committed by one ... argument is that there’s an event, process or moment that is responsible for transforming existing tension ... into a site of radicalization.” CCDS will highlight five such events, covering a diversity of ...

  2. London Hotspots of Contemporary Media

    regularly to the AUP events page or click here for an in-depth information page on culture programs.  100 ...

  3. Connect to AUP Global, Your Alumni Portal

    to your alumni directory, information on news and events of our international chapters and worldwide ...

  4. Jowita

    organize the event and interviewed speakers, while attending panels and workshops, and refining our ...

  5. AUP Alumna Amy Sarr Fall Named to 100 Africans of the Year

    a motivational speaker working with young people and women and has been invited to speak at events in schools, ...

  6. AUP Celebrates the Release of Demos Assembled by Professor Stephen Sawyer

    none On Tuesday, April 17th the AUP History Department hosted an event to celebrate the ...

  7. TLC Hosts Course Design Workshop

    events with international specialists and professors, the TLC supports faculty endeavors to experiment ...

  8. Gilets Jaunes Demonstrations Update to Students

    are high in France at the moment. If you feel your equilibrium has been a bit shaken by recent events ...

  9. AUP Students Participate in Three-Day Climate Action Conference Image 0 The event was ...

  10. Considering the Regional Distribution of ICC Prosecutions

    University, for an event entitled “Regional Distribution as a Distinct Criterion in International Criminal ...
