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  1. Law and Conflict Students Observe Charlie Hebdo Terror Trial

    learned from their observations. “What was once a foreign event became more personal after attending the ...

  2. Shapes, Legitimation and Legacies of Violence in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey

    Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention hosted its first online event of the academic year: ...

  3. Jasmine Paul ’18

    – from classmates, professors and staff, as well as events in Paris and travels abroad – have taught me ...

  4. AUP Junior Attends Athens Democracy Forum

    the world to participate in the conference.  The hybrid event was held both online and on site in ...

  5. The “Retail Apocalypse”

    project allowed us to understand how current events influence big businesses locally. And we had a blast ...

  6. Figuring Memory: Rebecca Hale on Holocaust Education Programs

    titled “Figuring Memory.” The online event was organized in collaboration with Sarah Gensburger and ...

  7. Fashion Talks at AUP: How Kim Hou Gets Workers’ Voices Heard

    Self-Expression in the Fashion Industry.” The event, which took place on the 8th floor of the Quai d’Orsay ...

  8. Demos21: Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–52

    Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–1952. The hybrid event saw ...

  9. Anne Weber & Tess Lewis: Portraying the Self, Portraying Others

    dmedin  at least 24 hours before the event if you wish to attend, and bring a picture ID. 100 ...

  10. Deferral Process

    Apply now Contact Quick Links Mailing List Sign Up Online Information Sessions & Events Find ...
