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Search results

  1. Students Discuss Their Time Volunteering on US–Mexico Border

    the year, in which seven of the club’s founding members addressed an audience of faculty, staff and ...

  2. Beatrice Cointreau

    speak to an audience of AUP students, faculty and staff on the subject of woman entrepreneurs and ...

  3. In Memoriam: David Wingeate Pike

    needed a course in medieval history and none of our other faculty volunteered, David stepped forward. He ... promoted scholarship among faculty and students in launching in 1973 the only publication series this ... Hutt, founder of the French Department and the only survivor of the original ACP faculty when David ...

  4. Savannah

    spread awareness, and facilitate dialogue amongst students and faculty. centered 85 Savannah Jenkins ... Violence Against Women Day, spread awareness, and facilitate dialogue amongst students and faculty.      I ...

  5. AUP Announces New Provost: Dr. William Fisher

    academic excellence, working with faculty members, staff, students and other stakeholders across campus to ... to becoming a member of the AUP team and working collaboratively with the faculty, president, senior ...

  6. The PRIPARE project

    A Student–Faculty Collaboration on Online Privacy Student & Faculty Collaboration MA in ...

  7. Oslo Pax 2019

    environmental challenges in a series of faculty-led workshops. On the last day, alumna Gina Torry ’98, who works ... Student & Faculty Collaboration Environmental Studies Environmental Science Quantitative Environmental ...

  8. Beetle Kinship Project

    in the Environmental Science Lab. Student & Faculty Collaboration Environmental Studies ...

  9. Alex

    novel, Sphinx. Her descriptions of AUP’s literature faculty led me to research the school, apply, and of ...

  10. The Empire of European Philosophy: A Talk with Matthieu Renault

    discussion with students and faculty. Many of them were curious about Renault’s views concerning various ...
