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Search results

  1. The Monttessuy Center for the Arts

    for AUP’s majors in these subjects. Today, it contains classrooms and art studios, faculty offices and ... printmaking workshop contains a working lithographic press, allowing for faculty, students and visiting ... wide-reaching influence on artists such as Goya, Manet and Matisse. 100 Faculty Offices The Department of Arts ...

  2. Curriculum

    opportunities for students and faculty at AUP.” 100 ...

  3. Stay Informed and Participate: IRIS Project Updates Await You

    Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues, I hope this message finds you well. As we embark on a new ... including for you, my faculty and staff colleagues. In 2020, we embarked on this ambitious journey, outlined ... you, our faculty and staff, as well as for students and families, ultimately making AUP a better place ...

  4. Justice Lab Presents: Law in Action

    exchanges with faculty. Please join us and register below.   ...

  5. LinkedIn Learning

    offers it to the current students, faculty and staff. Our LinkedIn Learning platform is accessible at  ...

  6. Assessment Calendar

    calendar.  Assessment Calendar Month Assessment March Faculty Activity Reports due to Departments’ Chairs  ... April  Faculty Annual Interviews with Chairs completed  May  Institutional Outcomes Assessment Day ... Orientation survey deployed  FirstBridge beginning Fall semester survey deployed  Staff & Faculty ...

  7. CL2010 Paris Through Its Books

    multiple members of the comparative literature faculty speaking on their areas of expertise. ...

  8. FR1000I French Immersion: Elementary French I

    conversation, and two Friday afternoon faculty-led tours of towns near Paris, including dinner. FR (French) ...

  9. FR1005I French Immersion: Elementary French II

    for casual conversation, and two Friday afternoon faculty-led tours of towns near Paris, including ...

  10. FR2010 Paris Through Its Books

    multiple members of the comparative literature faculty speaking on their areas of expertise. FR (French) ...
