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Search results

  1. David Roger

    Lettres Modernes · (1996- 1997) French Studies and Modern Languages Faculty Member ...

  2. Carol Karam

    University- Geneva Economics and Management Faculty Member ...

  3. CL2010 Paris Through Its Books

    multiple members of the comparative literature faculty speaking on their areas of expertise. ...

  4. FR1000I French Immersion: Elementary French I

    conversation, and two Friday afternoon faculty-led tours of towns near Paris, including dinner. FR (French) ...

  5. FR1005I French Immersion: Elementary French II

    for casual conversation, and two Friday afternoon faculty-led tours of towns near Paris, including ...

  6. FR2010 Paris Through Its Books

    multiple members of the comparative literature faculty speaking on their areas of expertise. FR (French) ...

  7. Your Contributions

    students, parents, students, faculty and staff, and current and former board members.  Please click here to ... and our diverse international student body and faculty. We ask members of the AUP community to ...

  8. Digital Media

    Faculty advisor Jurgen Hecker Contact none The Plume The Plume  is an online news site that ... international voice to an increasingly powerful digital news community. Guided by student editors and faculty ...

  9. The Council of Directors of Research Centers

    interdisciplinary research, encourage collaboration among faculty, staff, and students, and disseminate their ... call exceptional meetings. Administrators and faculty not on the Council may be solicited for advice or ...

  10. Graduate Program Review Board

    The Graduate Program Review Board is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate. It is composed of ... recommendations to the Faculty Senate. In fulfilling its mission, and to remain in tune with the finest ...
