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Search results

  1. Library

    Faculty Guide Contact The AUP Library 69, quai d'Orsay Principal access to the Library is through 6, ... The library's mission is to provide AUP students, faculty and staff with the information resources they require ... of Paris and throughout your life. Our team of professional librarians collaborates with faculty for ...

  2. After your Internship

    Internship Coordinator Faculty Reader Internship Coordinator Faculty Reader Faculty Reader Faculty Reader ...

  3. Campus

    our alumni, former students, parents, students, faculty and staff, and current and former board ... redesigned and reopened as a new center for teaching and mentoring, with faculty and student lounges, ... exhibition space for student and faculty art, two sculpture gardens, and new departmental offices. We also ...

  4. AUP Games Day

    to support your friends in a fun-filled basketball face-off between AUP Faculty/Staff vs. Students! There ...

  5. Night of Comedy

    none Students, staff and faculty, join us for a Night of Comedy at AUP for a good laugh and ...

  6. Book Celebration of Demos Assembled, by Professor Stephen Sawyer

    International Origins of the Modern State, coming out this month. Come celebrate with the History faculty and ...

  7. Psychology and GSS Open House

    offer. We believe this event will help you: Connect with students, faculty, and staff from the Psychology ...

  8. AUP Engage Officially Launches Spring 2019

    body. 100 Everyone – including students, faculty and staff – has an automatically created account on the ... 0 Everyone – including students, faculty and staff – has an automatically created account on the ... platform and can easily sign in with their AUP credentials (NetID and password). Faculty and staff are ...

  9. Passage Landrieu Located in Passage Landrieu none AUP Bookstore Classrooms  Faculty Offices 100 ...

  10. Mission and Core Values

    classroom settings; dynamic, engaged teaching informed by both disciplinary and interdisciplinary faculty ... difference that emerge from the natural diversity of AUP’s student and faculty bodies. Upon graduation, AUP ... community that fosters in students and faculty a critical sense of commitment to and responsibility for ...
