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Search results

  1. Forced Confrontation

    an engaged audience of student and faculty in our Combes building, visiting History Professor ...

  2. Paris Through Its Museums

    museums as the principal teaching resource. With the guidance of expert faculty, students study the ...

  3. Refugees and the Politics of the Participation in the Calais Jungle and Beyond- Dr Aura Lounasmaa

    crowd of students, faculty, and other members of the AUP community for an evening entitled “Refugees and ...

  4. ACP to AUP: New Directions

    cultural, national, ethnic, religious and linguistic boundaries in classrooms and beyond. Faculty members ...

  5. Find Your Thesis Advisor

    faculty who may be well placed to help you with your chosen area of focus. Once you have found a professor ...

  6. Year in Review: The Hemingway Conference

    2018 Year in Review: Faculty Achievements, October 2018 Year in Review: One Year of AUP Global, ...

  7. Year in Review: One Year of AUP Global

    August 2018 Year in Review: Orientation at AUP, September 2018 Year in Review: Faculty Achievements, ...

  8. Famine, Affluence, and Democracy: The Politics of Effective Altruism

    February 2019, 18h30 in C-102 Rob Reich, director of the Center for Ethics in Society and faculty ...

  9. Nicole Santiago G'19

    by faculty, including my program director Professor Susan Perry, as a platform for the AUP community to make ...

  10. Chopin Recitals

    none A group of AUP Faculty have arranged for two Chopin piano recitals to be held in the Theatre ...
