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Search results

  1. Fine Arts

    historical center of Western art. Professor Vanel Faculty Spotlight I curated the Andy Warhol exhibition that ... that. The seminar will be a study of the current art galleries, journals and online resources. Visits to ...

  2. AUP’s Georgi Stojanov on Technology and Cognitive Ability

    the Human Future,” invites speakers to participate in live online events, so they might engage with ... Are Not Even the Primary Author,” explored the coevolution of technology and human cognitive ability. ... Stojanov began exploring whether we remain the primary writers of our own lives, given that humans are so ...

  3. New Challenges, New Opportunities

    students, staff, faculty, alumni, parents and friends. Students are busy learning how to interact with their ... classmates across physical borders as well as metaphorical ones; faculty are grappling with shifting learning ... resources online and holding office hours via videocall. Though it will be challenging, the move to remote ...

  4. Thanksgiving 2019

    annual event. The event is open to all students, staff, faculty members, and alumni. Outside guests are ... Staff All faculty, staff and students should register on AUP Engage using their AUP NetID. Registration: ... fountains, etc.; just make sure to choose one when you sign up below! 100 Registration: Students, Faculty and ...

  5. Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate

    The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate makes recommendations to the Senate concerning ... academic matters and assures shared governance with the Faculty Senate, the Provost and the President of ... the University. No act of the committee shall be deemed to have the official sanction of the faculty ...

  6. Faculty Emeriti

    Emeriti Board The University's Emeriti Board represents the interests of faculty emeriti and ... other retired employees. It advises faculty in their transition to retirement, supports communication ... (Vice-Chair) Roy Rosenstein (Chair) Harry Schaible Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier Faculty Emeriti Christine Baltay ...

  7. TLC Faculty Lunch February (G-102)

    none TLC Faculty Lunch- February 100 ...

  8. TLC Faculty Lunch March (G-102)

    none TLC Faculty Lunch- March 100 ...

  9. TLC Faculty Lunch April (G-102)

    none TLC Faculty Lunch- April 100 ...

  10. TLC Faculty Lunch April (G-102)

    none TLC Faculty Lunch- April 100 ...
