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  1. Prof. Golub’s Book: East Asia’s Reemergence

    none Co-Chair of AUP’s International and Comparative Politics Department, Professor Philip S. Golub, has spent his career studying and writing about imperial systems, the ways in which contemporary world politics has been shaped by late-modern colonial an ...

  2. Dr. Gayatri Spivak at AUP roundtable

    none For those familiar with the work of Dr. Gayatri Spivak, intellectual, scholar, literary theorist, critic, and long-time professor, the frequency with which words like “postcolonial” and “feminist” are attached to her impressive career should come as ...

  3. James Baldwin Conference 2016

    none Professors William Dow and Alice Craven first discovered that they worked well together in 2008, when they put together a wildly successful centenary conference on Richard Wright. After attending a 2011 conference entitled “James Baldwin’s Global Ima ...

  4. Alumnus Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi '98 discusses media in the Arab World

    none On Friday, April 29th, the Department of Global Communications presented a public lecture by AUP alumnus Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi '98 entitled, "An Overview of the Media Landscape in the Arab World". During his talk, Sultan explored the ...

  5. Professor Philip Golub to speak at conference in Rennes: "La Chine face au mur de l'environnement"

    none Professor Philip Golub will speak at a conference entitled "La Chine Face au Mur de l'Environnement?" at Université Rennes 2 on Friday May 13. His talk will be entitled "Chaînes de production globale et distribution des coûts envi ...

  6. Elizaveta

    Related Links Major in art history none I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia but always dreamt of exploring Paris. AUP seemed like an incredible way to make that happen, especially after I researched its Art History program and saw that I could choose ...

  7. Sophie

    Related What is Firstbridge? Musée d'Orsay none My mother is French, and so even though I was born in California and lived with my family in Virginia, I’d always considered France my second home, and frequently visited my grandparents and cousins in  ...

  8. Marie

    Related Links Major in history Minor in Middle Eastern and Islamic Cultures none I was born in the small town of Parthenay, France before moving to the even smaller village of Gourgé. My parents had taught nutrition and agriculture in Cote d’Ivoire and wh ...

  9. Lilly

    Related Links Major in philosophy, politics and economics Studying in Paris none I was born and raised near Cologne, Germany before attending a boarding school in England, where I obtained the International Baccalaureate. After a gap year, when I took a t ...

  10. Nebi

    Related Links Major in international finance Find out more about Baytna à Vous none I was born in Moscow, Russia and I’m Chechen. When I was about 2, I lived in Belgium for two years with my family before moving back to Moscow. I then lived in Los Angeles ...
