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Search results

  1. Budget Committee

    Executive Committee and the Chair of the Faculty Senate, in consultation with the Provost and the President, ... may invite three faculty members to serve. It meets at least once annually, prior to the finalization ... Committee works to enhance communication and exchange between the faculty and the administration, proposes ...

  2. CL3091 Topics In Comparative Literature

    permanent or visiting faculty. CL (Comparative Literature) ...

  3. CS4091 Topics In Computer Science

    permanent or visiting faculty. Topics vary each semester. CS (Computer Science) ...

  4. EC3091 Topics In Economics

    taught by permanent or visiting faculty. EC (Economics) ...

  5. HI3091 Topics In History

    or visiting faculty. Topics vary each semester. HI (History) ...

  6. LW3091 Topics In Law

    visiting faculty. Topics vary each semester.” LW (Law) ...

  7. PY2091 Topics In Psychology

    permanent or visiting faculty and are generally related to their fields of specialization. PY (Psychology) ...

  8. PY3091 Topics In Psychology

    permanent or visiting faculty and are generally related to their fields of specialization. PY (Psychology) ...

  9. EC2091 Topics In Economics

    taught by permanent or visiting faculty. EC (Economics) ...

  10. LI3091 Topics In Linguistics

    or visiting faculty. LI (Linguistics) ...
