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  1. Robin Davis G'17

    my journalism and communications career. Knowing that I wanted to continue my journalism career, ... I also worked as a teaching assistant with the video journalism undergraduate course (Peacock Play) and ...

  2. Year in Review: The Hemingway Conference

    and Spanish politics of the 1930s. He presented a paper on “Hemingway’s Literary Journalism and ... Image-Making Modernism” for a panel on Hemingway’s journalism and literary journalism, Hauntings from the Past: ...

  3. Graduate Students Publish Shared Book with Faculty

    students, is Stratégie à la mode, and will explore fashion and fashionability in the context of management ...

  4. Exploring Blackness Beyond Borders: Aalyiah Heath's Artistic Journey from Detroit to Paris

    mentors, including fashion professor Madeleine Czigler and Dean of Student Development Kevin Fore, ... Originally from Detroit, Heath earned her bachelor’s degree in fashion at Clark Atlanta University, which ...

  5. Should the people control public spending? A normative assessment of balanced budget constitutional amendments

    Italian, and several articles in leading international journals (such as European Journal of Political ... Theory, Journal of Common Market Studies, and Ethical Theory and Moral Practice). https ...

  6. Professor Dennis

    complexity, which moves her to piece together fragments from the journals of a young woman, Ella, who ... disappeared six years earlier in Thailand. As Elena moves deeper into the journals, she becomes obsessed with ... international writing contest for aspiring novelists, and the literary journal Paris Lit Up. I’m also working on ...

  7. Ralph Petty

    Quotidiens, four-handed journal of a year in the life, texts   by Nancy Huston, Drawings by Ralph Petty, ... Trio 1999, Paris Atlantic, featured artist (cover and illustrations) in Paris-based literary journal ... Catalogue—“Itinéraire 93,” Levallois 1990, Frank (International art and literary journal)—Interview and reproductions of ...

  8. Personal Leadership Development/Consulting Methods

    bodies, the kind of papers that prestigious research journals will publish, and the kind of courses taught ...

  9. Christina

    relations, communications, journalism and event organization, I have continued to appreciate the true value ...

  10. Designing Services for Student Success: Staff Visit the Quai

    – whether they're trying to locate that elusive journal article, write academic prose that sparkles, ...
