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Search results

  1. "Translating Trump/ Traduire Trump" (SITES) Launch Party

    why “Translating Trump” as the theme of an issue? The very fact that a scholarly journal such as this ...

  2. AUP Open Day

    experience the AUP classroom together by participating in practical workshops in Arts, Science or Journalism ...

  3. Intergenerational Memories of Important Events: The Intersection of the Personal and the Historical- William Hirst

    University. He has published over 140 scholarly articles and edited four books and four special journal ...

  4. CANCELED- The Shadows of Political Forgiveness – Professor Molly Andrews

    University Press). She serves on the Editorial Board of five journals which are published in four countries, ...

  5. Narratives – Stories – and Their Interpretations

    journal Narrative Inquiry through which he supported and encouraged theorizing and research into narrative ...

  6. The Ethics of Technological Self-Defense with Speaker David Wright (Director of Trilateral Research)

    published more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and co-edited and co-authored several books, ...

  7. Democratic Citizenship Education in Digitized Societies

    articles in journals such as  Philosophy Compass, Theory and Research in Education,  Third World Quarterly ...

  8. Data, Artificial Intelligence and Our Responsibilities with Jon Iwata (Founding Executive Director of the Data and Trust Alliance)

    the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at San Jose State University. He is co-inventor of ...

  9. A Reading by Siân Melangell Dafydd and Biswamit Dwibedy

    Indian poetry in translation from seven different regional languages for Aufgabe, a literary journal ...

  10. AUP Names Dr. Hannah Westley as Interim Provost

    academic year. With a career that seamlessly intertwines rigorous academia and journalism, Dr. Westley ... scholarship, I went into journalism and began a new career at the bottom of the press pecking order at The ... journalism is currently undergoing, and they were formative years for me. At AUP, I’ve been able to draw upon ...
