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  1. Science and Cinema Meet in Alexis Gambis Film Masterclass

    landscapes; they captured images at both the macro and micro levels, using a specialized camera attachment, ... Alexis Gambis addresses the audience at a special screening of Son of Monarchs 0 In the evening, ...

  2. AUP Announces New Provost: Dr. William Fisher

    specialization at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). His research focuses on the ...

  3. Building Environments for Discovery: Professor Elena Berg’s Research on Beetles and Beyond

    specialize. Instead, she ran full-tilt into the multiplicity of her interests, which span anthropology, human ...

  4. Students Back in Paris for In-Person Fall Orientation

    symbolic meaning, as it was the first time students had attended an on-campus event since before France’s ... about AUP’s sanitary protocol this semester, please check our "back to campus” news piece. 100 ...

  5. Demos21: Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–52

    none Image ... Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–1952. The hybrid event saw ...

  6. Law and Conflict Students Observe Charlie Hebdo Terror Trial

    learned from their observations. “What was once a foreign event became more personal after attending the ...

  7. How Master’s Student Melody Gray Helped Showcase Women in Comics

    I helped with organizing the inauguration event with guest speaker, Dr. Catriona MacLeod (University of ... a lot about event coordination and collaboration. Those are huge skills I will take with me into any ...

  8. Founding Classes Reunion

    none Please join friends and classmates for a special reunion of the Founding Classes. Your unique ... a special dedication of a classroom on the seventh floor of AUP’s new building at 69, quai d’Orsay, that ...

  9. Founding Week 2023 Reflects on AUP’s International Values

    their own work. Both delivered lectures that explored current events — in this case the Russian invasion ... on Tuesday, March 28. This on-campus event encouraged community members to wear their AUP colors and ... including a coffee roulette event run by Human Resources, which brought together groups of colleagues in ...

  10. Daily Update on Campus Safety and Covid-19

    BLOG THAT ROUNDS UP ALL THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES FOR OUR COMMUNITY. It is increasingly likely that ... Covid-19 response strategy moves into Stage 3. In the unlikely event that AUP students are told not to come ...
