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  1. Careerology 101

    why an approach like Careerology101 makes sense for AUP students  The importance of Specialized ...

  2. CANCELED- Sarajevo: Bosnia – Co-Existence After Conflict

    none THE STUDY TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED CM2091B Special Topics: Co-existence and Religion For ...

  3. Intangible Heritage and Visual Repatriation: an ethnography of three exhibitions in Nepal

    travels in Asia to study anthropology, specializing in Latin America. That visit, which included his first ...

  4. GPS Panel Presentations

    our team at: gps Every year, seniors from across the University take part in an AUP event: the ... Narrative workshop. 3. Attend GPS Panel Prep Sessions The GPS Program offers specially designed GPS panel ... presentation coaching sessions the weeks ahead of the GPS Panels every Spring. Special prep sessions include ...

  5. International Research Workshop: Early Holocaust Remembrance in the Jewish Press, from the Second World War to the 1960s

    Historical writings? Fiction? Poetry?News? Opinion?)  What were the specificities of the treatment of the Holocaust in the ...

  6. Sonya Stephens, AUP’s 13th President ...

  7. Advisory Board

    Dissent: Fashion as Politics, Special Issue Fashion Theory. The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, Vol. ... World, Sky News, Radio 4, WWD, the Gentlewoman, Vogue and Elle magazine. View the profile https ...

  8. Kate Briggs on This Little Art

    none On January 26 a joyous crowd applauded writer and former AUP Professor Kate Briggs as she discussed and read from her new work: This Little Art. This homecoming for Briggs was livened by her friends and former colleagues at AUP, roused with curiosity ...

  9. One Alumna’s Mission to Bring Thai Authors to an English Audience

    Related Links 'Moving Parts' on Titled Axis Press Follow Mui Poopoksakul on Twitter Alumni Office none At an international institution like The American University of Paris, translation is a daily activity. Our student body is made up of 108 nat ...

  10. #OneMoreJourney Unites AUP Community on Giving Tuesday

    none Giving Tuesday 2019 was a huge success; the AUP community came together to fund more Coup de Pouce stipends than we imagined. Each gift will help send a deserving student on the trip of a lifetime as part of AUP’s Cultural Program. The #OneMoreJourne ...
