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  1. The Representative, the People, and the Public Sphere: Rethinking democratic concepts in the face of crisis | DEMOS21

    Theory theme of the DEMOS21 event series organized by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies. This ... event is co-organized with Professor Julian Culp This paper argues that democratic theory is responding ... Chambers Fixed-50px space Registration has been closed. If you would still like to attend the event, please ...

  2. Entre Nous: Possible Lives with Maria Stepanova and Daniel Medin

    perspectives on memory, language, and politics. This event is a collaboration between The Center for Writers ... Library in Paris. RSVP for the event here:   ...

  3. Black History Month- Black and Abroad Club: Paint and Sip

    View all Black History Month Events ...

  4. Undergraduate Studies at AUP

    Eastern Time REGISTER NOW 100 More events Admissions Calendar ...

  5. Admissions

    Sessions & Events Scholarships, Awards & Grants Formation Continue Contact & Meet AUP Apply Now ...

  6. The Psychology of Global Crises

    presentations, Q&A sessions and events on YouTube. Missed it? ...

  7. Post-Truth Scholar Jayson Harsin Wins Peer-Reviewed Award

    often focus on attention-grabbing fake news and conspiracy theories in their discussion of post-truth, ... production, maintenance and deterioration.” Nevertheless, the history of publishing relates to publicity, news ... within which harassment and amateur, sometimes inaccurate news was consistently rampant; personal ...

  8. READING BY VINCENT BROQUA (in English and French) from his newest books RECOVERY and PHOTOCALL

    video and narrative as ways of entering the diverse, that special place between the unnamed and the ...

  9. Social Media

    also  connect with AUP on Twitter at @AUParis  for quick tidbits on University life and news. Besides ...

  10. Gilets Jaunes Demonstrations Update to Students

    will keep our community updated with the latest news. 100 Back to Blog ...
