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  1. International Conference on Political Transitions and Federal Projects: Call for Proposals

    none AUP's Center for Critical Democracy Studies co-sponsors the International Conference on Political Transitions and Federal Projects (late 18th- early 21st centuries) Sciences Po Paris, American University of Paris, University Paris Diderot 23-25 ...

  2. Artful Magic: A Talk with Sylvia Brownrigg

    The 30th Edition of the Cahier Series – Invisible Countries none This semester the Center for Writers & Translators reached a milestone in its groundbreaking Cahiers Series with the publication of the 30th cahier, Sylvia Brownrigg’s Invisible Countrie ...

  3. The Empire of European Philosophy: A Talk with Matthieu Renault

    none On a cold, surprisingly snowy November night, The American University of Paris hosted a talk by the celebrated philosopher Matthieu Renault (Maître de conférences at Université Paris 8) titled:  The Empire of European Philosophy: A Global Perspective ...

  4. The American University of Paris Receives 1.1 Million USD Mellon Grant

    none The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a 1.1 million USD, three-year grant to AUP for “Building Leadership and Capacity for Digital Liberal Arts across AMICAL.” The AMICAL Consortium is founded and hosted by AUP. It’s a consortium of 27 American ...

  5. AUP Alumna Rows Across the Atlantic Ocean

    none AUP Alumna Camilla Bull ‘14 (BA, Global Communications and Marketing) is a member of the first Norwegian female crew to row the Atlantic, breaking the European record for women to cross the Atlantic. The “Rowegians,” as they dubbed themselves, took p ...

  6. Migration: Rights, Risks and Responsibilities

    none “Each displacement will make your life completely change – you will miss the friends, the rituals… each morning the light is different in the place where you go.” These were the words of Ziad Majed, Associate Professor of Middle East Studies at AUP, ...

  7. Alumna Emma Ramadan G’14 Wins Prestigious Albertine Award

    none For the second year running, Albertine, a project of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US, awarded their prize for the best French-language fiction newly available in English. AUP Alumna Emma Ramadan G’14, translator of Anne Garréta’ ...

  8. Call for Proposals: ASMCF Conference 2019 'The Transnational City'

    none Alongside the University of London Institute in Paris, AUP will host the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France from 4-6 September, 2019. You are now invited to submit proposals for papers or panels which address this year’s them ...

  9. A Lesson in Complex Business

    none The International Business Administration  Department’s BA 4050 Business Integration Capstone uses a complex business simulation, which allows students to demonstrate their knowledge in the various business disciplines that they studied throughout th ...

  10. Late Suicide Among Holocaust Survivors in Israel

    none On April 29, 2019, the George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention invited Amia Lieblich ­– an Israeli psychologist and writer, and a professor emerita of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – to s ...
