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  1. Announcing the Quai d’Orsay Society, a New Legacy Giving Program for AUP’s Future

    none AUP's generous community of alumni, former students, trustees, parents and friends supports initiatives across the University with direct financial contributions to scholarships, campus redevelopment projects, an endowment and more. Now, the AUP ...

  2. Fashion Talks at AUP: “I Make Because I Am Human”

    none On Thursday, September 16, 2021, the Fashion Talks at AUP lecture series hosted its first lecture of the academic year, which saw designer and arborist Zoe Jo Rae present on the subject of “Resourcefulness – And Other Quiet Forms of Activism.” The la ...

  3. D.Rad Symposium Explores Radicalization Trends in Europe and Beyond

    none Image 0 On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, AUP’s Center for Critical Democracy Studies, a research center devoted to promoting the practice, study and life of democracy, hoste ...

  4. CWT launches Cahier #37 with Anna-Louise Milne and Andy Robert

    none On February 10, 2022, the Center for Writers & Translators (CWT), a research center at The American University of Paris that promotes literary activity, launched the latest issue in its ongoing Cahier Series, a series of short books that make ava ...

  5. AUP Welcomes Largest-Ever Incoming Class

    none In France, September is known as la rentrée – an end to summer vacation and the start of a new school year. For AUP, this means welcoming a new cohort of students to campus, global explorers from all over the world who come to Paris to study the libe ...

  6. AUP Extends a Huge Thank You to Giving Day Donors

    none For the fifth year running, AUP hosted its annual Giving Day on Thursday, November 17, 2022. It was once again a successful day of fundraising in support of AUP’s global explorers – the name given to the kind of globally minded students the Universit ...

  7. Get Your Merch with the AUP Online Store

    Want to show your school spirit with some AUP merch? No matter where you are in the world, you can visit our online store, hosted by Kotis Designs, and order your AUP clothing, gifts and accessories online. Visit the Store Our products include a wide rang ...

  8. Co-Translating Marguerite Duras

    Olivia Baes ’13 (in Comparative Literature & English) and G’14  and Emma Ramadan G’14 bonded over a shared love of French author Marguerite Duras while studying for an MA in Cultural Translation at AUP. Their second published co-translation of Duras’s ...

  9. Counting on Beetles: AUP students unlock clues to the impacts of climate change

    The impact of climate change is rippling across the globe and reshaping the natural world. At AUP, students are not just learning about it in the classroom; they are actively enhancing our collective understanding through unique research. This semester, a ...

  10. Building Environments for Discovery: Professor Elena Berg’s Research on Beetles and Beyond

    Early in her career as an evolutionary biologist, Dr. Elena Berg’s academic advisors told her to specialize. Instead, she ran full-tilt into the multiplicity of her interests, which span anthropology, human behavior, and environmental science. Now Profess ...
