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Search results

  1. Roger Frie: Witnessing the Crimes of Our Grandparents: Remembering and Responsibility in the Wake of the Holocaust

    none What does it mean to discover a Nazi history in one’s own family? This was a discovery I neither wanted nor asked for, and yet, in a moment defined by chance and circumstance, it became an irrefutable reality. Recognition of my German grandfather’s s ...

  2. Book Celebration with Professors Kuo and Wu


  3. Macaron Class

    none Obsessed with this delicious Parisian confectionery? Spend an afternoon learning how to make macarons from a professional French  patissier. This class takes you through the steps from assembling the dry ingredients to creating the batter, to piping, ...


    none The serene landscape and constantly changing patterns of light along the Seine were a major source of inspiration for the many 19th century artists drawn to this region. In the morning, travel by bus from Paris to Auvers-sur-Oise, a picturesque villa ...

  5. Wine Tasting

    none Kick the week off with a fun class on oenology (the science of wine) and specifically French wines. Learn how to identify and appreciate wines from various regions in France. The class walks through the fundamentals of French oenology (cépages, terro ...

  6. Normandy: Medieval History and WWII D-Day Sites

    none Discover a piece of the rich history of Normandy by visiting the quaint Norman town of Bayeux and the impressive D-Day sites of World War II. In the morning, travel by bus to Bayeux, home to the nearly 1000 year-old and 70 meter-long tapestry of Baye ...

  7. Wine Tasting

    none Kick the week off with a fun class on oenology (the science of wine) and specifically French wines. Learn how to identify and appreciate wines from various regions in France. The class walks through the fundamentals of French oenology (cépages, terro ...

  8. Champagne

    none Champagne, the region between Lorraine and Paris, is the only internationally recognized source of real champagne. Learn about the rigorous méthode champenoise that has made this wine so special that it has come to symbolize the essence of celebratio ...

  9. Chocolate Walk

    none Discover the history of chocolate and why Paris is the capital of fine chocolate. Visit a variety of excellent chocolatiers and learn using all five senses, including taste! Learn how to choose and appreciate quality chocolate. Minimum: 12 participan ...

  10. I Paint Therefore I am

