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Search results

  1. Do you Speak...?

    none There are over 2000 languages and dialects spoken in Africa. Come discover and learn some of these languages with Inspire Africa club. Enjoy conversations in a speed dating atmosphere- 5 minutes per person to learn as much of their language as you ca ...

  2. Matthieu Renault: The Empire of European Philosophy

    none The American University of Paris presents a talk by Matthieu Renault  (Maître de conférences at Université Paris 8) titled The Empire of European Philosophy: A Global Perspective on the History of Philosophy. The talk is followed by a discussion with ...

  3. Holiday Party by the Art History & Fine Arts Department

    none Join the Art History & Fine Arts department for a special celebration at the end of the year. Participate in a fun art history quiz by a Professor Emerita and enjoy some drinks, cookies and an 'aperitif-dinatoire' (i.e., you won't ...

  4. Richard Beardsworth: Out of Control: Brexit and the Contemporary Loss of Politics

    none Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Politics at Aberystwyth University, will speak to the AUP Community in January. His talk is titled  Out of Control: Brexit and the Contemporary Loss of Politics. All guests must register in advance usin ...

  5. Rotterdam Film Festival study trip


  6. Caverne du Pont d'Arc, Grotte Chauvet Study Trip


  7. New York study trip


  8. Doha & Kuwait Study Trip


  9. Ravenna & Bologna Study Trip


  10. Krakow & Auschwitz Study Trip

