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Search results

  1. TLC Lunch

    none The Teaching and Learning Center presents TLC Lunches. TLC Lunches provide an informal setting for faculty members to discuss any and all aspects of teaching and learning that happen in and outside of the AUP classroom. 100 ...

  2. TLC Lunch- Collaboration and the Food Without Borders Project

    none The Teaching and Learning Center presents TLC Lunches. TLC Lunches provide an informal setting for faculty members to discuss any and all aspects of teaching and learning that happen in and outside of the AUP classroom.   7 November,  Collaboration a ...

  3. TLC Lunch

    none The Teaching and Learning Center presents TLC Lunches. TLC Lunches provide an informal setting for faculty members to discuss any and all aspects of teaching and learning that happen in and outside of the AUP classroom. 100 ...

  4. Course/Syllabus Design Workshop

    none This one-day course and syllabus design workshop involves: Applying a backward design approach to design new courses or redesign old courses; Aligning student learning objectives, assessments, and instructional practices; Identifying teaching methods ...

  5. Concert of clavichords

    none In parallel to his exhibition at Combes, Stéphane Treilhou, who is also a clavichord maker, will present some of his instruments for a concert at Combes, C-102, at 6:30PM on Wednesday 26th. Elies Tatarch, a young harpsichordist, and Madeleine Treilho ...

  6. Resume Drop-In

    none Stop by to have your resume or CV in French reviewed by a member of the Internship and Career Advising team, along with other interested students. Bring a friend! 100 Related Links AUP Internships and Careers Office ...

  7. Citizenship in a World of Strangers: Cosmopolitan Answers to Ethnonationalism

    none As part of the SGA U.S. Midterm Elections Stakes and Debates series, Professor Philip Golub (International and Comparative Politics) and Assistant Professor Peter Hägel (History) will be discussing the rise of toxic ethnonationalisms in Europe and th ...

  8. Every Vote Counts!

    none As part of the SGA U.S. Midterm Elections Stakes and Debates series, join us for the final opportunity to register or request an absentee ballot through AUP for the U.S. Midterm Elections. If you have already registered/requested, join us to celebrat ...

  9. Voter Registration with Vote from Abroad

    none As part of the SGA U.S. Midterm Elections Stakes and Debates series, come register to vote, or request your absentee ballot to be able to vote in the U.S. Midterm Election. 100 Related Links Student Government ...

  10. Midterm Election Cocktail

    none This is your last chance to use VoteFromAbroad's services to register to vote or order an absentee ballot for this year's midterm elections! Stop by with a copy of your passport and enjoy a drink while discussing the state the US politics! ...
