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  1. AUP Alumna Awarded 2020 Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women's Freedom

    Nadir, representing the Collectif 490 des hors-la-loi – a group of women and men claiming sexual freedom ... Slimani and poet Karima Nadir, the 2020 Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom for her work as part ... of the Collectif 490 des hors-la-loi, orOutlaws Collective 490, a group of women and men claiming ...

  2. Bringing Empathy and Understanding Through the 9th Art

    typical of AUP, the events are organized by both faculty and students. Students enrolled in the ... a course last year entitled Women's Rights and Graphic Novels in light of the multiple new ... publications in French on the history of women’s struggles. That led to the University’s first edition of the ...

  3. Center in Action

    Williams Seminars on Technology in the Classroom Handouts and Resources Pointers on Classroom Technology ... with Your Students, Seminar Flyer- November 5 2017 [pdf] Click here for information about digital ... Performance, London School of Economics, May 2015 ' The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard,' SAGE ...

  4. Media Diversity, Hybridity and Democratic Transition with speaker Fatima el Issawi

    is a Reader in Journalism and Media Studies at the University of Essex and senior visiting fellow at ... LSE Institute for Africa; her research focuses on the intersection between the news media, politics ... expertise crosses journalism, public communication, policy, and academia. She has over fifteen years of ...

  5. Professor Amanda Dennis on Her First Novel, Her Here

    on the missing girl’s journals, kept before she went missing in Thailand, in the hope of uncovering ... where Ella is and why she disappeared. As Elena begins to rewrite the journals, she starts to take on ... journal entries. The tricky bit is actually the novel within the novel, because Elena starts to ...

  6. Jessica Feldman

    Relations in ‘Soundings: A Contemporary Score’ at the Museum of Modern Art,” Ear/Wave/Event: A Journal of ... jfeldman Jessica Feldman G-305 Wednesdays 15:15–16:45 Assistant ... Speaking Voice,” Society for the Social Studies of Science, Denver, CO, 2015 “The Problem of the ...

  7. Start of a New Year: Convocation 2020

    none On Thursday, September 18, 2020, following six months of remote learning and virtual events ... included AUP President Celeste M. Schenck, who commented that the event was a moving occasion; AUP's ... throughout this difficult time. You can find the full recording of the event below. 100 Video ...

  8. Slosberg Travel Grant

    Kathleen Buchholz – Lifeline Energy: Solar Power and Women's Empowerment in Zambia Rachel Cochran ... – Teaching English in Refugee Camps in Nablus, Palestine Judith Cunningham – Sexual Violence as a Systemic ... Recipients from 2014-2015 Catherine Ngo – UN Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis: UNHCR Lebanon Office Pamela ...

  9. A World Before Race? Gender, Mobility, and Property in the Early Modern Iberian World | DEMOS21

    shortcuts and circumventions, these women strove to ensure their descendants would be further removed from ... University of Oregon Law School and Director of the Center for the Study of Women in Society. Her monograph, ... efforts of enslaved women in Lima before local courts to secure their claims to liberty. Fractional ...

  10. A Discussion on the Black Vote and the U.S. Election

    none This Black and Abroad event, co-sponsored by President Schenck and the BLM faculty group, ... television journalist, journalism professor at  L’Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Paris, and author of  ... Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.  She is well ...
