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  1. AR2046 Paris Vu Par Les Photographes

    nocturnal Paris of Brassaï and Kertész, historical representations of major events such as the Second World ... the 2015 attacks...: these multiple and contradictory facets will encourage students to explore the ... measure the impact of the major historical events of the 20th century on their lives and will analyze ...

  2. President’s Alumni Advisory Council Meets Sonya Stephens

    .26.26%20PM.jpeg PAAC members enjoying a tour of the Met 0 The PAAC also meets in person at events in cities ... projects or events as a member of the President’s Alumni Advisory Council, you can find out more ...

  3. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Chana Teeger

    Speaker: Chana Teeger, London School of Economics This paper points to the limits of experiential learning ... an assistant professor in the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics. She ... /images/widget-text-with-image/image/ChanaTeeger.jpg?itok=8eY3E0Zc This virtual event will take place via Zoom. Registered guests will receive a Zoom link prior ...

  4. Santé! Wine Essentials with Carli Seaver '08 (Part 2)

    parents invited to join a three-part event series on tasting wines, guided by alumna Carli Seaver ... event, we taste specific French wines, beginning with white wines, then moving on to red wines. If you ... missed the first event in this series, not to worry! Join us for this event, and/or our final event on ...

  5. Solidarity in Polarized Times: Isabelle Aubert and Rainer Forst

    On October 11th, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host Professors Isabelle Aubert ... (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Rainer Forst (Goethe-Universität) for “Solidarity in Polarized Times,” an event which will ... moderated by Professor Julian Culp (The American University of Paris). The event will take place in room ...

  6. Live Your Democracy, a Talk by Activist and Public Policy Maker, Joseph Robertson

    Elections.” The event began with an introduction by AUP President Celeste Schenck, showcasing Robertson’s work ...

  7. Data, Artificial Intelligence and Our Responsibilities with Jon Iwata (Founding Executive Director of the Data and Trust Alliance)

    Management, an appointment he received upon his retirement from IBM in 2018, capping a 35-year career with the ... to participants the day before each event. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links Presidential Lecture ...

  8. Marc Hecker and Élie Tenenbaum: The End of the War on Terror?

    Security Studies Center. He holds a PhD in political science from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He ... /widget-text-with-image/image/MH.jpg?itok=Uxu7V53w Élie Tenenbaum is the Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center. A PhD graduate in History ... (2015) and a Sciences Po graduate (2010), he was a Visiting Fellow at Columbia University. He has taught ...

  9. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Dr Tom Pettinger 0 none The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict ... promote coexistence and peace there? Studying the memory of "the Troubles" in two Northern Irish ... University of Warwick, working at the intersection of critical security, geography, and memory studies. His ...

  10. Book Presentation of Darrel Moellendorf's Mobilizing Hope – Climate Change and Global Poverty (OUP)

    at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton). He is the author of Cosmopolitan Justice (2002), ... Handbook of Global Ethics (2015). He has published in journals such as Nature Climate Change, Climatic ... Humanities, the Friends of the Institute for Advanced Studies, and the Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst. ...
