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  1. FR2001 Introduction To French Global Studies

    FR2001 Introduction To French Global Studies This ... introductory Francophone Studies course explores French language's global status, examining its evolution, ...

  2. Environmental Studies

    construct an interdisciplinary plan of study for your major. While providing you with the theoretical and ... knowledge of specific ecosystems and case studies. You will analyze the historical emergence of global ... within the broader area of study. Core Courses Core Courses We aim to help you develop a range of skills, ...

  3. FM1099 Firstbridge In Film Studies

    FM1099 Firstbridge In Film Studies Firstbridge ...

  4. How to Apply: Study Abroad Partner Universities

    studying at one of our partner schools listed below, please see your study abroad office or coordinator for ... Independent Study Abroad student.   Application requirements—what you need to submit to us If you’re applying ... your home institution for how to apply to AUP. The Study Abroad office will provide you with an ...

  5. Transfer Students

    transferred. Upon completion of your first semester you will get reassigned to an advisor who matches as ... with a minimum average grade of VG (15)  Swiss Matura: 32 semester credits with a minimum grade of ...

  6. Film Studies

    Apply Now Contact Us Requirements: Film Studies Minor Examine film from all over the world through ... the three groups in  the Film Studies Major: Film Pragmatics and the Art of Directing; Film Genres and ...

  7. FM2091 Topics In Film Studies

    FM2091 Topics In Film Studies Courses on different ...

  8. CM1110 Introduction To Fashion Studies

    CM1110 Introduction To Fashion Studies This course ... aims to introduce students to the study of fashion, considered as a multidisciplinary field of ... with the possibility to question the future of the fashion industry by studying the social and ...

  9. Gender Studies

    Apply Now Contact Us Requirements: Gender Studies Minor Investigate contemporary feminist theory ... and psychology and gender, while also studying intersecting areas of study, including cinema, ...

  10. Chloé Galibert-lainé

    Ecole des Hautes Etudies en Sciences Sociales, 2016 MA in Film Studies, Université Paris Diderot, 2015 ... Studies Professor Galibert-Laîné is a French filmmaker and researcher, working as Assistant Professor in ... Film Studies at AUP since January 2024. In 2021 they defended a part theoretical, part artistic PhD ...
