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Search results

  1. Samantha Gilliams Builds Worlds Around Food

    Gilliams was unsure of what she wanted to study–but she was certain that she wanted to explore the world. ... Professor of Global Communications Christy Shields. Gilliams studied communications but focused on ... event and realize that everyone has what they need to do their job. I know I did my work right, and ...

  2. Soirée d'Information "Etudier dans une Université Américaine"

    level of English is required to study?" "How is an American diploma recognized in France and ...

  3. Justice after Genocide: Prosecuting Hutu Perpetrators- Alain and Drafoza Gauthier

    Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention ...

  4. The ‘Entrepreneur:’ Educating Americans for the Digital Age

    ethnographic study of the changing position of teachers and students in light of the increasing use of digital ...

  5. Is International Criminal Justice “Model” Justice?

    The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention ...

  6. Narratives – Stories – and Their Interpretations

    Studies in Narrative consisting for a series of books at the cutting edge of narrative research. ...

  7. The Photography of Persecution: Pictures of the Holocaust

    Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention  is honored to announce the ...

  8. Fashion Talks at AUP: Clare Farrell: “DESIGNING AND DRESSING DISSENT”

     (Fashion Studies,  Department of Communication, Media and Culture). The talk is co-sponsored by the  The ...

  9. The Sweetgrass Method: H.O.P.E for Indigenous People

    of interest involves studying how to improve mental health services provided by non-Native ...

  10. Tocqueville Colloque 2023: Autocratie vs. Democratie? A new geopolitical landscape in France, Europe, and the United States?

    Tocqueville Society and the Center for Critical Democracy Studies at the American University of Paris, and ...
