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  1. Les Premières Actions Diplomatiques de Joe Biden, Vues d'Europe

    none Ancien Premier ministre et le Président de la Fondation Prospective et Innovation, Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN a le plaisir de vous inviter au webinaire, organisé avec la Otto Von Habsburg Foundation, "Les Premieres Actions Diplomatiques de Joe BIDEN, ...

  2. Environmental Justice and the EPA: A Panel Conversation with members of the Environmental Protection Agency

    none In honor of Black History Month, join the Advisory Board on Environmental Sustainability and Black & Abroad this evening for a conversation with members of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the topic of environmental justice. They will ...

  3. Virtual Cooking Class with La Cuisine Paris

    none AUP parents and alumni are invited to join us for another virtual cooking class, led in English by French cooking school La Cuisine Paris. This time, attendees will learn how to prepare two French classics, the croque monsieur/madame, a bistro staple ...

  4. Data Science in the Liberal Arts: Discuss the Berkeley experience with Eric Van Dusen, Kseniya Usovich, and Samantha Chean-Udell

    none Join us for a talk with Eric Van Dusen and his team to learn more about integrating Data Science education in the liberal arts curriculum. Eric Van Dusen will present Berkeley’s two flagship programs: Data Science Connectors- two-unit domain seminars ...

  5. Zero Conference, Zero Emission Revolution Online

    none The aim of the ZERO conference is for different universities to share knowledge about how to make their campuses greener and more sustainable. We aim to support each other in projects and to learn from each other's achievements and challenges. A ...

  6. Racism in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Rachel Bervell, MD

    none ReSisters is honored to host Rachel Bervell, MD, co-founder of the Black OBGYN Project to discuss the racist history of obstetrics and gynecology and how it persists today. The Black OBGYN Project is an Instagram page led by two Black ObGyn doctors o ...

  7. A Sparkling Conversation with Beatrice Cointreau

    none AUP alumni and families are invited to join "A Sparkling Conversation with Beatrice Cointreau." An AUP trustee and certified expert, Beatrice Cointreau is the owner of Admirable Family Vineyards in Malibu, has been in the industry for more ...

  8. Prof. Annabelle Lever (Sciences Po Paris): Democracy in Selection

    none Should we replace elections with lotteries?  Bernard Manin’s famous book on representative government first taught many of us that the Greeks thought of elections as an aristocratic, not a democratic, way to select people for political power and auth ...

  9. Founding Week 2023


  10. Jessica Newman '01

    semester eight years running as I was balancing my studies with my sporting career. I cherished my time at ... American college degree wasn’t going to give me the freedom to accomplish that. I also wanted to study in ... 100 It was during my studies that my interest in the nonprofit sector was first fostered: in 1998, ...
