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Search results

  1. Democratic Education in the Digital Era

    these technologies, communication scholars argue, has led to phenomena such as “fake news” and “echo ...

  2. CM1852 Video Journalism Practicum

    student media website where their video work contributes to the content mix of news pieces, video work, ...

  3. Mission and Core Values

    difference that emerge from the natural diversity of AUP’s student and faculty bodies. Upon graduation, AUP ... values and negotiate difference, as together they question, reflect upon, and work toward creative ...

  4. Faculty Governance

    upon the free search for truth and its free exposition. Academic Freedom: The teacher is entitled to ...

  5. Internship Vocabulary & FAQ

    internship is directly connected to the student’s course of study. It also provides mandatory supplemental ... awarding transfer credit for internships upon submission of supplementary material. Such exceptional ... you search for an internship in France. For some students studying in certain fields the French ...

  6. Firstbridge

    world of mathematical models. By intertwining the study of languages and mathematical modeling, these ... effectively teach their language to classmates, children, or adults while studying in Paris. Whether ... science started with Galileo Galilei's studies of the Earth gravity and celestial objects. In this ...

  7. The Campaign

    a Strategic Plan, AUP Ascending 2015-2020, to create such conditions for learning, AUP has launched its first ...

  8. Faculty Achievements

    Achievements 2015 Innovative, international, interdisciplinary, the scholarly work of AUP faculty brings the ...

  9. Leadership

    investments, and holds overall fiduciary responsibility. The Board of Trustees at its annual meeting in 2015 at ...

  10. Classical Civilization

    1500 HI 1015 History of the Middle East PL 1100 History of Philosophy I: Ancient and Medieval PL 2015 ...
