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  1. CL3081 Post-colonial Lit. & Theory

    cultural translation. Introduces major voices in post-colonial literary and cultural studies, Franz Fanon, ...

  2. CL4095 Senior Project

    A Senior Project is an independent study representing a Major Capstone Project that needs to be registered ...

  3. CM2003 Media Industries: Strategies, Markets & Consumers

    media business models and shifted market power to consumers. Case studies include Apple’s impact on the ...

  4. CM2004 Comparative Communications History

    properties and qualities conveyed by speech, sight, and sound are studied with reference to the printed book, ...

  5. CM5004 Global Digital Cultures

    provides an introduction to key topics and theories in the study of the Internet and other digital media as ...

  6. CM5033 Material Culture & Values

    study of material culture. We will then investigate how ‘stuff’of material culture (landscapes, objects, ...

  7. CM5062 Digital Media Writing Practicum

    generally. Students will study, analyze and discuss these trends as well as write about particular issues ...

  8. CM5070 Media, Gender & Globalization

    class studies in detail the relations between media, gender and sexuality in a complex global ...

  9. CM5077 Communication & The Global City

    underpinned by case studies, students will reflect on the affective politics of the city, thinking critically ...

  10. CM5095 Thesis

    studies students may choose to complete a 14,000 to 20,000 word thesis (instead of an Internship). ...
