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  1. Refugees and the Politics of the Participation in the Calais Jungle and Beyond- Dr Aura Lounasmaa

    Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention welcomed its first speaker ... of the academic year to our campus. Dr Aura Lounasmaa of the University of East London drew a large ... Emploi Réfugiés This event served as a forum for discussion of both the course, which considers four ways ...

  2. Shapes, Legitimation, and Legacies of Violence in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey: From Abdülhamid II to Erdoğan

    hours in advance of the start of the conference. 100 Register align-center width-100 About the event ... state violence stretching from the Hamidian period to the present. It will then reflect first upon the ... ethnic-religious groups and second upon how that violence has propelled the nation’s very sense of itself. ...

  3. Addressing Gun Violence For a Safer Society

    access to the venue. See registration form below. Schedule of Events 18:00-18:10    Opening (President ... Celeste M. Schenck) 18:10-18:15    Introduction of Delaney (Lauren Nanes) 18:15-18:45    Presentation of ... Parkland Peace Policy (Delany Tarr) 18:45-19:15    Q&A with Delaney 19:15-19:20    Breakdown of ...

  4. UPEL Seminar: Nic Johnson (History, University of Chicago) at CCDS

    none UPDATE: This event will no longer be held in person, and will take place online over zoom. ...   On Wednesday, March 15th the United States Political Economy Lab will host Nic Johnson at the Center ... for Critical Democracy Studies for a presentation titled "Stability at Home, Branching Abroad: ...

  5. Moving Parts: Author Prabda Yoon in conversation with Tash Aw & Mui Poopoksakul

    Mui Poopoksakul ('15) and novelist Tash Aw. Born in Bangkok in 1973, Prabda Yoon went on to study ... translators under 40 by  The Culture Trip. In early 2019, her translations of two books by Duanwad Pimwana ...  at least twenty-four hours before the event and bring a photo ID. 100 Related Links The Center ...

  6. Who Should Decide? Beyond the Democratic Boundary Problem with Laura Valentini | DEMOS21

    Philosophy, Politics and Economics, King’s College London) Professor Valentini holds a first degree (“laurea”) ... University College London. She was a Junior Research Fellow at the Queen’s College (Oxford University), and ... visiting positions at the Australian National University, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, the ...

  7. Figuring Memory: Social Practices and Collective Transformation with Thomas Van de Putte

    none Video 0 none This virtual event will take place ... via Zoom. Registered guests will receive a Zoom link prior to this event. 100 Session 3:  ... "Cultural Memory from Event to Action " Speaker:  Thomas Van de Putte, University of Trento Thomas Van ...

  8. Christy Shields

    integrates a wide range of project-based assignments and study trips in her classes.  Students use ... her course “Food, Culture and Communication” and its study trip, The Comté Practicum (described ... educator Claire Perrot.  Christy and Claire developed the Comté Practicum, a study trip for AUP students ...

  9. Wellness

    8:30-10 AM &  5-6:30 PM   Open Access 10 AM-5 PM Wellness is not a luxury; it’s a priority, without ... Contract each muscle group for 3 to 5 seconds, then relax for 15 to 20 seconds.   Breathing Exercise: Set ... to Host an Event in the Wellness Room? In order to book the room during reservable hours, please ...

  10. Year in Review: Words That Kill

    international words that kill conference hosted by the George and Irina Schaeffer Center For the Study of ... Image Image ... Image Image ...
