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    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...


    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...


    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  4. Mardi Gras Mask Exhibition

    none The Combes Gallery needs masks made or owned by you, your partner, and your children for a Mardi Gras Exhibition! Should you need supplies and/or a few mask making techniques you are cordially invited to a mask making workshop on Saturday, February 1 ...

  5. Black History Month Student Debate

    none AUP Diversity Club and the History Department will be hosting a Black History Month themed debate. A special guest cohort from The American University of Cairo will also be presenting on this topic. Snacks and drinks will be provided. 100 ...

  6. Mellon Pedagogical Seminar: Teaching with the Shoah archive

    none In this Mellon session I’ll be talking about using video in the classroom – any classroom!- and some simple tools for engaging it in formal ways. I’ll then go into depth in how I used the Shoah archive in my Provocative Witness: Cinema and Genocide, ...

  7. UNICEF Club Red Hand Day

    none On the international children soldiers day, we want to spread awareness about the issue surrounding wars and global conflicts involving the use of child soldiers. On Monday Feb 12th Unicef will be in the Combes lobby passing out red hands with facts ...

  8. ASM Talent Catalogue

    none This term, ASM is hosting a casting for a 'talent catalogue' that will assemble models, photographers, and videographers into one portfolio that can be used for reference in ASM's future projects. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to at ...

  9. America is hiring: J-1 VISA Programs!

    none How to find a paid internship, placement or summer job in America. Adding an Internship or placement in America to your CV will give you that competitive edge after graduation. Paid Internships, Placements and Summer Jobs in the US are open to all na ...

  10. Preserving AKP Power: Understanding Turkish Foreign Policy through the Lens of its Domestic Politics

    none The AUP Middle East Pluralities program invites you to attend a lecture by professor Louis Fishman entitled: Understanding Turkish Foreign Policy through the Lens of its Domestic Politics. Professor Fishman teaches Modern Middle East history at Brook ...
