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  1. Global Justice In & Through Education

    Related Links Center for Critical Democracy Studies History Department Prof Julian Culp Prof Maria Bach Prof Oliver Feltham Prof Philip Golub Prof Peter Haegel Prof Jula Wildberger none When asking fundamental questions about education, philosophers have ...

  2. A Lesson in Complex Business

    none The International Business Administration  Department’s BA 4050 Business Integration Capstone uses a complex business simulation, which allows students to demonstrate their knowledge in the various business disciplines that they studied throughout th ...

  3. Late Suicide Among Holocaust Survivors in Israel

    none On April 29, 2019, the George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention invited Amia Lieblich ­– an Israeli psychologist and writer, and a professor emerita of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – to s ...

  4. GPS Finalists’ Panel Presentations Showcase Student Talent

    none On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, an awards ceremony took place to honor those students who successfully completed all requirements for AUP’s Global Professional Skills (GPS) Program. This signature AUP program is designed to bring together every aspect of a ...

  5. Imagining the Miraculous with Professor Anna Russakoff

    none On May 16, 2019, Associate Professor Anna Russakoff, chair of the Department of Art History and Fine Arts, celebrated the launch of her new book Imagining the Miraculous: Miraculous Images of the Virgin Mary in French Illuminated Manuscripts, ca. 125 ...

  6. Hands-On with Postcolonial Literatures and Theory

    none Ever wondered what classes at AUP are like? An AUP education combines rigorous academic study with an emphasis on experiential learning, helping students apply what they learn to tackling global problems. In this series of three articles, we take a l ...

  7. A Pop-Culture Force for Postcolonial Theory

    none In the second of a three-part series, undergraduate student Isabel Guigui reflects on blogger and activist Grace Ly’s visit to the Postcolonial Literatures and Theory class. The first article in the series is available here. On Friday, February 15, 2 ...

  8. Students Confront France’s Colonial Past in Le Havre

    none In the last of our articles on the Postcolonial Literatures and Theory class, Associate Professor Sneharika Roy explains how the Le Havre study trip and the course’s collaboration with activist and theater director Jocelyn Brudey contrast postcolonia ...

  9. Narratives, Stories and Their Interpretations

    none On Thursday, January 30, 2020, the Department of Psychology at The American University of Paris hosted Professor Michael Bamberg of Clark University for a lecture about the interpretation of narratives in relation to emotions and the construction of ...

  10. Professors in Print

    none In 2019, AUP’s faculty members continued to display the versatility and momentum that makes them such a vital part of the University’s community. In addition to teaching, professors engaged in talks and panels, attended conferences, and contributed a ...
