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Search results

  1. Democratic Education in the Digital Era

    these technologies, communication scholars argue, has led to phenomena such as “fake news” and “echo ...

  2. CM1852 Video Journalism Practicum

    student media website where their video work contributes to the content mix of news pieces, video work, ...

  3. CM5060 Visual Culture, Theory & Communication

    photography, museum exhibitions, advertisement, news reports, and consider the transformation of these media in ...

  4. AUP Appoints Key Leaders to Drive Strategic Plan and University Growth

    online – and news consumption in digital media. Her initial academic training was followed by ... journalism practica, and has collaborated with undergraduate and graduate students on student-produced news ...

  5. Medieval Machines and Marshmallows

    to be. The playful concept was initially inspired, rather unexpectedly, by a tragic piece of news. In ...

  6. Interview with Professor Hall Gardner On His Latest Book

    you read the news and keep up-to-date with what’s been happening, you will be able to follow along ...

  7. Professor Dan Gunn receives the Distinguished Faculty Award

    none On December 7, 2016, AUP’s Faculty Senate honored Professor Dan Gun with the Distinguished Faculty award. As Professor Roy Rosenstein declared in his letter of recommendation, “Quid plura? Need I say more? I may have tired my two readers with this lo ...

  8. Professor Anne-Marie Picard's publishes new book: "From Illiteracy to Literature: Psychoanalysis and Reading"

    none Anne-Marie Picard is professor of French and Comparative Literature at the American University of Paris. Using a psychoanalytical approach, her research focuses mainly on French writers such as Colette, Sartre, Duras, Cixous, Angot and Houellebecq. H ...

  9. "Colorful Syria": A moving exhibition and upcoming auction in the Fine Arts Gallery

    none The Fine Arts Gallery is Combes is currently showing “Colorful Syria”, an exhibition which presents drawings made by children in war zones in Syria as well as children in refugee camps in Turkey. The show will be up for the rest of the month with an ...

  10. It's Not Too Late to Start Volunteering

