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  1. FFIRE 2: Rumeurs, infox et vérités (Jayson HARSIN)

    (de 17h à 18h45) au siège de l’OIF (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, 19-21 avenue ... "post-vérité", les "fake news": « Un guide critique des fake news: de la comédie à la tragédie », ...

  2. Virtual Celebration of Bastille Day Around the World

    President Celeste Schenck will deliver news and updates from AUP's campus. More details are soon to ... come. Please register for this Zoom event by clicking the event below. Registered attendees will receive ... login information prior to the event. 100 Register Here align-center width-40 ...

  3. Is International Criminal Justice “Model” Justice?

    none On Thursday, October 17, 2019, a panel discussion on AUP professor Kerstin Carlson’s 2018 ... Student Life Center. The event, which was hosted by the George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of ...

  4. Susan Perry and Claudia Roda on Data Science in Higher Education

    eighth event in its Presidential Lecture Series: a lecture by AUP professors and co-founders of the MSc ... Series, titled “Technology and the Human Future,” invites speakers to participate in live online events ... Tightrope (Palgrave 2017), underpinned the development of the HRDS program at AUP. Perry and Roda began the ...

  5. Conferences & Talks

    Faculty Achievements Brochure 2018 Take a further look Faculty Achievements 2017 Faculty Achievements ... et l’utilité sociétale des marchés financiers: l’exemple des ‘’social investment bonds’.  RIODD 17 ... environment,” European Academy of Management Symposium, Zhaw School of Management, 15-17 June, Zurich, ...

  6. Faith, Human Rights & Co-Existence

    between religion and human rights. The event is organized by AUP professors Susan Perry and Waddick Doyle, ... Justin Kaeppi and with support from the Schaeffer Center This two-day event, organized by the American ... violence. In 2017, the Beirut Declaration on “Faith for Rights” added that individual and communal ...

  7. History of AUP Timeline

    scholarship and liberal arts learning on the banks of the Seine. Know of an event in AUP history that you ... of 1962. Jim Overton ’64 is voted its first President.  100 1963 The CBS News Report A CBS ... News report on American students in Paris immortalizes the University’s early days, exploring students’ ...

  8. Law and Conflict Students Observe Charlie Hebdo Terror Trial

    de Paris, a new courthouse in the French capital’s 17th arrondissement. The trial observation ... learned from their observations. “What was once a foreign event became more personal after attending the ...

  9. The Visual History Archive: Research Experience

    Download ...

  10. The Paris Writer’s Residency: Call for Applicants

    interaction with postgraduate Creative Writing students at PSAC; and a joint public event, in the form of ... 2017 and the successful candidate will be notified by 31 January 2018. 100 Related Links University of ...
