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  1. LinkedIn Workshop

    none With more than 467 million users, LinkedIn is one of today's richest free professional development resources. The Career Development Staff is organizing a workshop to help you navigate LinkedIn's resources, to learn the best practices for o ...

  2. TLC Mellon Pedagogical Seminar: Creating digital mapping projects with your students

    none Over the past few semesters, AUP professors have been engaged in a wide range of interactive mapping projects with their students. This session, building on the seminars given by Digital Humanities expert David Wrisley at AUP in March this year, seek ...

  3. AUPpreciation @ Senate

    Want to make a positive difference? Not sure how to get involved? Let us help you! There are plenty of great volunteer opportunities here on campus. Come meet AUP's service club leaders to learn more about what you can do and share some good food wit ...

  4. Microagression Talk

    AUP's Diversity & Culture Club will be hosting an evening discussion surrounding the topic of microaggressions. With guest speakers Professors Michelle Kuo and Elizabeth Kinne, Diversity Club will be discussing the foundations of microaggressions ...

  5. Silent Auction

    This year, on Tuesday November 21st from 18:30- 21:00 on the first floor of Combes AUP will be honoring and raising money for Afrika Tikkun, a partner NGO based out of South Africa that is dedicated to investing in education and youth development through  ...

  6. La Chorba Soup Drive

    Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 21 from 12:00- 15:00 in the Amex for a warm soup provided by La Chorba, a soup kitchen organization located right outside Paris that provides environmentally conscious meals to those in need. Each soup a member of our AUP communit ...

  7. Sylvia Brownrigg: Invisible Countries (Cahiers Series no. 30)

    none Image 0 Sylvia Brownrigg is the author of seven books of fiction including Pages for Her, published earlier this year by Picador (UK), and is a regular reviewer for th ...

  8. AUP Games Day

    none Get your sneakers on and get ready to play against some of the student-athletes at AUP! Test your skills in various mini-games against student-athletes, or come join us for a cup of popcorn to support your friends in a fun-filled basketball face-off ...

  9. Do you Speak...?

    none There are over 2000 languages and dialects spoken in Africa. Come discover and learn some of these languages with Inspire Africa club. Enjoy conversations in a speed dating atmosphere- 5 minutes per person to learn as much of their language as you ca ...

  10. Holiday Party by the Art History & Fine Arts Department

    none Join the Art History & Fine Arts department for a special celebration at the end of the year. Participate in a fun art history quiz by a Professor Emerita and enjoy some drinks, cookies and an 'aperitif-dinatoire' (i.e., you won't ...
