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  1. “Misfit Masculinities: Self-Fashioning in a Sanist and Ableist World” with Ben Barry

    none Fashion Talks at AUP 2021/22: Between Consumption, Criticism and Activism. Ben Barry “ Misfit Masculinities: Self-Fashioning in a Sanist and Ableist World ” Wednesday, 27 April 2022 at 6.30pm (CEST) online.   About the talk: This talk explores how Di ...

  2. Alumni Gathering in Santa Monica

    none AUP alumni and former students in the Santa Monica area are invited to gather for an evening of drinks and  hors d'oeuvres  at the  Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel. President Celeste Schenck will join the festivities as part of her final trip to ...

  3. Francophonie Through Decoloniality

    none Clara Rachel Casséus Eybalin ’06, G’09 will present her latest book: Dalphinis, Morgan.., and Clara Rachel Eybalin Casséus. Une Caraïbe décoloniale: Ressusciter les ancêtres à travers la langue. Editions universitaires européennes, 2022., in dialogue ...

  4. ROTARY International /ROTARACT-Paris

    none Inspiring action and engagement- Serving to change Lives- Connecting the World- Serving Humanity By Ed SHENKAN, Board Member Rotary Club of San Francisco, California, USA Chair President of the International Services Committee (MBA-Duke University. B ...

  5. Vernissage: Bruce McCoy Owens

    none The Festival of Bungadya, Rain God of the Kathmandu Valley: Forty Years of Photographs The chariot festival of Bungadya held each year in the Kathmandu Valley is arguably the largest of the hundreds of festivals orchestrated by its indigenous Newa in ...

  6. Intangible Heritage and Visual Repatriation: an ethnography of three exhibitions in Nepal

    none In this talk Bruce McCoy Owens will consider the various opportunities and challenges that are presented by displaying photographs that depict intangible heritage to those whose heritage is portrayed within them. He will consider these issues as he e ...

  7. Fashion Cultures and Histories – Research Seminar Series, CNRS/ AUP

    none Edition 2022/2023 of the Seminar Series: Deconstructing Paris Fashion: towards a de-hierarchized narrative   MADE IN FRANCE? RECONNAÎTRE L’IMPORTANCE DES SAVOIR-FAIRE ET TECHNIQUES D’AILLEURS QUI FONT LA MODE PARISIENNE. Le   16 juin 2022, le séminai ...

  8. Film Screening Calendar Girl (2020)

    none Film screening of Calendar Girl (2020) in the presence of  Natalie Nudell, co-writer and co-producer of the film. The screening will be followed by a discussion and drinks and social gathering. Ruth Finley, a pocket-sized woman of immense determinati ...

  9. Fashion Industry Talks: Professional Perspectives

    none GUEST: Pascal Morand, Executive President of the Federation de la Haute Couture et de la Mode  TITLE:  Promoting Paris Fashion and Coordinating Paris Fashion Week®: the key role of the FHCM   For registration send an email to  skurkdjian 100 ...

  10. Archiving Fashion

    none   Speakers Natalie Nudell, The Ruth Finley Collection: Digitizing 70 Years of the Fashion Calendar. Gianluigi Di Giangirolamo, The Archives of Italian fashion weeks.  Steeve Gallizia, Brevets, marques et dessins & modèles, la mode et la propriété ...
