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  1. Public Memory and the Shoah

    ‘ The efficacy of memory practices for social betterment is most often taken axiomatically and uncritically as an established fact. This interdisciplinary workshop launched a discussion with scholars and practitioners from multiple disciplines and perspec ...

  2. The Armenian Genocide: New Interpretations and Cross-Disciplinary Conversations

    From the 30th of June to the 2nd of July in 2025, The American University of Paris and the AGBU Nubar Library will host an international conference that will ask: how can the social sciences, memory studies, and genocide studies contribute to a broader un ...

  3. There and back again: Olfactory research with King penguins and life in the sub-Antarctic

    Dr. Gregory Cunningham is a Professor of Biology at St. John Fisher University in Rochester, NY and a Visiting Professor in the Computer Science, Mathematics and Environmental Science Department at AUP. His area of expertise pertains to studying how birds ...

  4. The Future of the Tropics is the Future of the World: Science and Sustainability from 9 Degrees North Latitude.

    80% of the planet’s biodiversity is in the tropics, and over 50% of the people of this planet will be living in the tropics before the end of this decade. The most consequential, least understood ecosystems in the world – for people, and biodiversity – ar ...

  5. Renewing the Social Contract | Conference 2024

    Renewing the Social Contract:  The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory  Renouveler le contrat social L e défi de l'inclusion et du gouvernement démocratique dans la théorie du contrat social   International Co ...

  6. Book Launch: American Fever- Selecting Supreme Court Justices

    Register Here Related Links More About the CCDS ...

  7. Boycotting German and Germany: Artistic Censorship and the Creation of Israel (1948-1967)

    This article discusses the artistic censorship of German and Germany in Israel between 1948-1967. During these years, with various fluctuations, the Israeli Film and Theatre Review Board, the agency in charge of artistic censorship, actively censored film ...

  8. Book Talk- Imperial Material by Alvita Akiboh

    Imperial Material. National Symbols in the US Colonial Empire (The University of Chicago Press), by Alvita Akiboh In Imperial Material, Alvita Akiboh reveals how US national identity has been created, challenged, and transformed through embodiments of emp ...

  9. Care and Democracy Seminar

    We are pleased to announce a seminar series dedicated to the critical intersection of Care Ethics and Democratic Theory. This series will explore how the relational dimensions of care, traditionally centered on dependency and moral responsibility, can dee ...

  10. Book Workshop: The Migrating Self, A New Psychology of Migration and its Public, by Kesi Mahendran

    The book The Migrating Self challenges conventional views on migration by introducing a new psychology that positions people's migration experiences along a continuum of ten degrees of mobility. Drawing from fifteen years of empirical research across ...
