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  1. Psychological Transformations/Transformational Psychology

    Summary In this talk, I would like to offer a retrospective summary of my intellectual journey within the wide and fragmented fields of Psychology and their relations with other disciplines as both an academic and practitioner and what might be described ...

  2. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2024: On Grief, Exnovation and the Power of Mutual Learning

    ‘grief is not the end of things but rather the dark substrate from which great things can emerge.’ Nick Cave (2024) The Red Hand Files, Issue #287, June Which practices, ideas and expectations do we need to let go? Which ones are not realistic, timely or ...

  3. One More Journey

    European Economics, Brussels, 2017 The Islamic ... 2017 Place Branding, Iceland, 2016 ... European Economics, Brussels, 2017 Shakespeare in ...

  4. Your Impact AUP- Giving Report 2017 ... graduating in May 2017 with a double major in International and Comparative Politics and Management. 100 ...

  5. The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education 2020 (September 25)

    5 Continents short normal-border At the heart of the event were 18 workshops, where interaction and live ... These events illustrated the strong wish of our international participants to share ideas, learn from ...

  6. Faith Toran G'18, Cultural Program

    Global Communications, having opted for the course’s Development Communications track. In 2017, she was ...

  7. President's Alumni Advisory Council

    New York City PAAC events. centered 100 Elan Garonzik '70 Feature ...

  8. An Intergenerational Reflection on Black History Month

    seeking legislative and legal protection. It is crystal clear that after January 6 and the events at the ...

  9. Support for our Diverse Communities

    practitioner, or other support services in Paris. In the event of a referral,  AUP health insurance reimburses ...

  10. Professor Brockmeier Professor Brockmeier speaks at an AUP event 0 His interdisciplinary academic background extends ...
