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  1. AUP Community Sets New One-Day Giving Record

    event aimed to reach 150 donors and, in doing so, break the record for the most donations received on ...

  2. Working in Fashion: The Most Beautiful Job in the World?

    Department of Communication, Media and Culture organized the first talk in an event series running throughout ...

  3. CCDS Hosts AUP’s Professor Miranda Spieler: The Case of Ourika

    and the End of the Rights of Man.” The hybrid event saw audience members attend both in person in ...

  4. Bipin Indurkhya on the Ethics of Using AI in Psychotherapy

    Technology and the Human Future, hosted its second event: Bipin Indurkhya, Professor of Cognitive Science at ... events, so they might engage with both theory and practice in responding to the question of how technology ... 0 The next event in the Presidential Lecture Series will take place on January 25, 2022, during ...

  5. AUP’s Global Professional Skills (GPS) Program

    – in the column on the right below the events section – or by clicking on their user menu (top right) ... wellness events) are defined as experiential learning that cultivates important life skills and promotes ... Kids Empowerment said: “[The GPS panel presentations] were a valuable event that equipped students with ...

  6. James Bittermann

    the travels of Pope John Paul II. Bittermann joined CNN from ABC News, where he was a Paris news ... correspondent from 1990-1996. During his years with ABC, he covered a wide range of international events ... NBC News. Based in Rome from 1978-1979, he covered two Papal transitions and the travels of Pope John ...

  7. Dr. Beth Epstein Compares French and US Perspectives on Race Image ... Image ... immigrants and their children who now call themselves cergyssois. As Epstein explained, cultural events like ...

  8. Dozens of Employers and Alumni Connect with AUP Students During 2023 Career Week

    employment opportunities. The week’s events, in addition to the supportive network of ACE Center staff, ... Week events, both on AUP’s campus and online. Representatives from the Organization for Economic ... psychology. For increased accessibility, many of the week’s events were held online, with virtual ...

  9. Figuring Memory: Lea David on the Dangers of Mandating Memory

    contributions to this news piece were made by AUP student and Schaeffer Fellow, Michael Justice.  100 Next Event ... online event was organized in collaboration with Sarah Gensburger and Sandrine Lefranc at France’s ...

  10. Figuring Memory: Tom Pettinger on Counter-Extremism

    Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention held the fifth event in its series of monthly seminars for ... The online event was organized in collaboration with Sarah Gensburger and Sandrine Lefranc at France’s ... Memory align-center width-40 Significant contributions to this news piece were made by AUP student and ...
