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  1. Quai d'Orsay Learning Commons

    teaching and learning technology. In August 2017, AUP purchased a ten-story building on quai d’Orsay, ... Image Image ... events, allowing faculty to collaborate beyond AUP’s campus.   Our Flagship building on the Seine  The ...

  2. Deborah Levy on 'The Cost of Living'

    talk by author Deborah Levy. As part of the event, Levy read from her most recent work, The Cost of ... will be a few years before it is published, or even written, as Levy has yet to turn 60. At the event ...

  3. Demos21: Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Justice

    event of the academic year. Guest speaker Professor Jamila Mascat from Utrecht University led ... a discussion on postcolonial justice. The hybrid event, which saw audience members attend both in person ...

  4. Brian Schiff Named AUP’s Second “Professor of Promise” Professor Schiff introducing a Schaeffer Center event in 2019 Image ... of the causes and consequences of mass violence. The Center’s current events include the Figuring ...

  5. Visiting Lecturers Daniel Levin Becker and Nafkote Tamirat Discuss “Notes on Rap”

    grasp new ways to put theory into practice. At a recent event hosted by AUP’s Center for Writers and ... English. This AUP event focused on Levin Becker’s recent book, What’s Good: Notes on Rap and Language, ...

  6. Oleg Kobtzeff

    Geopolitics of the Arctic”, International Geostrategic Maritime Observatory round-table event on Geostrategy ... and celebrations, Collège de France and Polish Library of Paris, Dec. 17-19. 1998: Moderator, The ... Saint-Serge, Paris, July 1-4 2017: comments and discussion in the roundtable « le Siècle Arctique » with Mika ...

  7. Presidential Community Reception in Los Angeles

    be in attendance, and will share news and updates from AUP's campus in Paris. Alumni, please ...

  8. Film Screening: Beyond the Frontlines

    This film (2017, by Alexandra Dols) takes us on a journey both within our own minds and on the ...

  9. Looking Back at the AUP Digital Campus

    a global liberal arts education and current events across the planet.  Thanks to the AUP Digital Campus, ...

  10. Nature and Cultures: A Geographic Magazine for Global Explorers

    as current events. Alongside republished articles from third-party sources, the magazine encourages ...
