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  1. Remaking the Demos ‘From Below’? Critical Theory, Migrant Struggles, and Epistemic Resistance | DEMOS21

    DEMOS21 event series organized by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies. This event is co-organized ... philosophy and social philosophy. 100 Fixed-50px space Registrants will receive an email, including the event ... details and the link to join the event, 24 hours prior to the event start time.   100 Related Links Center ...

  2. Contact and Meet AUP

    Apply now Contact Quick Links Mailing List Sign Up Online Information Sessions & Events Find ... more information. We look forward to meeting you soon! 100 Ways to Connect box none Events Calendar ... list of upcoming events and OIS  100 Find Your Counselor https ...

  3. Rencontre avec Sylviane Giampino (Book launch by Sylviane Giampino) Inscription obligatoire (merci de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous). Registration for this event ... is closed. If you have an AUP ID card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come to the event ... location at the beginning of the event. ...

  4. Chine et Etats Unis

    world (in particular China and Africa).  In addition to reading notes, news briefs- written or ...

  5. Gendered Aspects of the Armenian Genocide in the Experiences of its Victimized Females with Anna Aleksanyan

    Armenian, Russian, French, Turkish and English. Registration for this event is closed. If you have an AUP ID ... card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come to the event location at the beginning of the ... event. ...

  6. Beatrice Cointreau in Conversation with President Schenck: Women Entrepreneurs, "Doing it All," and Mentoring Women Leaders

    for this event is closed. If you have an AUP ID card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come ... to the event location at the beginning of the event. https ...

  7. EU Horizon Grant

    deradicalization,” he explains. The grant submission brought together a group of 17 universities under an umbrella ... hotspots. “A hotspot is identified when a specific event of physical and emotional violence is committed by ... disagreement or tension,” he says. “Our argument is that there’s an event, process or moment that is ...

  8. Understanding the Trauma of Genocide:

    close reading to distant reading. The event began with presentations from the three panelists speaking ... discussed how a diversity of retellings expands scholars' understanding of the traumatic event and its ...

  9. How the Global Mentoring Program Gives Students a Step Up Graduate student Rachel Vatelia attends an event to find out more about the Global Mentoring ... the Lunch and Learn kick-off event, which this year took place on February 7. Alumni professionals met ...

  10. Meet ReSisters: Intersectional Feminism for Our International Community

    getting me adjusted to Parisian life.” Social events are a club staple: the monthly Sippin’ Sisters ... them. A recent Pyjamas Against the Patriarchy event saw members organize a slumber-party-style screening ...
