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  1. French Studies and Modern Languages

    Related Links French Department Blog French Writing Lab French Honor Society News Professor ...

  2. Communication, Media and Culture

    News Bridging culture and curriculum: Dr. Christy Shields’ innovative work on food offers ...

  3. Jessica Feldman

    Culture, and Communication from New York University in 2017. Her dissertation considered how advances in ... Stanford University, 2017 “Internet Health: A Checkup for Civil Society,” Digital Impact virtual ... roundtable, 2017. “The Problem of the Adjective:” Affective Computing of the Speaking Voice,” International ...

  4. Comparative Literature and English

    Links Career Outcomes News Author Andrea Applebee joins illustrious writers published in the 35th ...

  5. Santé! Wine Essentials with Carli Seaver '08 (Part 3)

    and final event in our three-part series on tasting wines, guided by alumna Carli Seaver (Urbanic) ... ’08, Educator and Hospitality Lead at Hahn Family Wines in Carmel, California. For our final event, we will be ... tasting specific American wines. If you missed the first two events in this series, not to worry! Pour yourself ...

  6. Veterans Scholarship

    Apply now Contact Meet Us AUP Visits You Online Info Session Visit the Campus News In the 2020 ...

  7. Yellow Ribbon Program

    Apply now Contact Meet Us AUP Visits You Online Info Session Visit the Campus News In the 2020 ...

  8. Généalogies de l’État, avec et après Foucault

    international conference  Généalogies de l’État, avec et après Foucault. The event will be hosted on our own ... 15:15-15:30 | Pause café/Short Coffee Break 15:45-17:00 |  Table Ronde/Roundtable,   avec les participant·e·s, ...

  9. A Trip to Normandy

    a cloudless blue sky, conversation turned to the first event on the program – a visit to the Bayeux Museum to ... along the barbed wire and the charred remains of German bunkers – all visceral reminders of the events ...

  10. Jasmine Paul ’18

    – from classmates, professors and staff, as well as events in Paris and travels abroad – have taught me ... more than I could've learned anywhere else. The confidence of knowing that I moved abroad aged 17 ...
