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Search results

  1. AUP Alumni Zoom Social- Happy Hour / Coffee Hour

    page to request the Zoom login information for this event. AUP Alumni Affairs will share the ... information with you prior to the event. For more information, please contact alumni  100 ...

  2. The Center For The Study of International Communications celebrates its 20th anniversary at AUP

    Times and International NYT   Both events will take place on the University Campus at 6, rue du Colonel ... Combes, 75007 Paris. All proceeds from this evening event will go to our scholarship fund, thereby ...

  3. American Graduate School in Paris, International Graduate Student Conference 2022- CALL FOR PAPERS

    Opportunities and/or Challenges? Event date: Friday, April 29, 2022 Event Location: Reid Hall (Paris, France) ...

  4. Fiction Writing Workshop with Rosa Rankin-Gee

    Workshop with special guest speaker and author Rosa Rankin-Gee. This in-person event is in partnership with ... The Center for Writers and Translators. A link to join this event remotely will be shared soon. 100 ...

  5. Refusing to Be Silent: Engaged Conversations with Leading Intellectuals, book promotion

    Michael Walzer and Etienne Balibar. Contributing fresh perspectives on current events – from the ... reductive oppositions, instead providing critically nuanced interpretations of contemporary events and ...

  6. Metropolises of the Modern Arab World

    events and playing an important role in regional diplomacy. Explore the gleaming metropolises of Dubai ... Program Events ...

  7. Teaching and Learning in Prison

    come. This event is bilingual English-French. Translation will be provided where required. Registration ... CCDS Download the Program Event Program ...

  8. AI@AUP Speaker series- Claudia Roda: 'AI and Education, one more tool or a revolution?

    event is a hybrid event- you can register to attend by zoom through this link. Related Links AI@AUP: ...

  9. Career and Internship Services internship gps Upcoming Events   Appointments Our experienced career mentoring ... during internships.  The Career and Internship team runs a program of workshops and events throughout the ...

  10. Year in Review: Ten Years in Auroville

    Practicum 0 2017 Slosberg Grant Recipient Faith Toran used her grant to travel to India for a 6-month stint ...
