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Search results

  1. I Paint Therefore I am


  2. Alice Pfeiffer (Antidote Magazine) in conversation with Russell Williams and Hannah Westley


  3. AUP Parent Reception in New York


  4. Toshio Shimamura Opening


  5. UNICEF Meet & Greet at AUP

    none We are pleased to announce that on Monday, November 13 from 18:30 at C104, we are organizing a "Meet and Greet" for all UNICEF members and AUP students who want to learn more about the club. You will have the chance to meet new people and m ...

  6. LinkedIn Workshop

    none With more than 467 million users, LinkedIn is one of today's richest free professional development resources. The Career Development Staff is organizing a workshop to help you navigate LinkedIn's resources, to learn the best practices for o ...

  7. TLC Mellon Pedagogical Seminar: Creating digital mapping projects with your students

    none Over the past few semesters, AUP professors have been engaged in a wide range of interactive mapping projects with their students. This session, building on the seminars given by Digital Humanities expert David Wrisley at AUP in March this year, seek ...

  8. AUPpreciation @ Senate

    Want to make a positive difference? Not sure how to get involved? Let us help you! There are plenty of great volunteer opportunities here on campus. Come meet AUP's service club leaders to learn more about what you can do and share some good food wit ...

  9. Microagression Talk

    AUP's Diversity & Culture Club will be hosting an evening discussion surrounding the topic of microaggressions. With guest speakers Professors Michelle Kuo and Elizabeth Kinne, Diversity Club will be discussing the foundations of microaggressions ...

  10. Silent Auction

    This year, on Tuesday November 21st from 18:30- 21:00 on the first floor of Combes AUP will be honoring and raising money for Afrika Tikkun, a partner NGO based out of South Africa that is dedicated to investing in education and youth development through  ...
