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Search results

  1. EC3042 Economic Development

    of the concept of economic development and its means of assessment. The course studies the models ...

  2. EN2020 Writing & Criticism

    topic-centered courses refining the skills of academic essay writing, studying a wide range of ideas as expressed ...

  3. EN3200 Fiction Writing Workshop

    while studying fiction techniques and style through examples. EN (English) ...

  4. FM2080 Orson Welles & His Inheritors

    FM2080 Orson Welles & His Inheritors Studies ...

  5. FM2090 Film Noir

    FM2090 Film Noir Studies America's cinematic ...

  6. FM3072 German Cinema

    Lubitsch, and studies their important contribution to film form. Attention given to 'emigre' ...

  7. FM3073 Asian Cinema

    FM3073 Asian Cinema Studies post-1945 Japanese ...

  8. FM3074 Italian Cinema

    autobiographical Amarcord. Studies silent-era spectacles (Quo Vadis, Cabiria), and Italian film under fascism and ...

  9. FR3059 Romantic Lit And Its Discontents: Flaubert, Sand, Baudelaire Studies in the literary works, poetic aspirations and legal trials of Flaubert, Sand, and ...

  10. GS2010 Introduction To Gender, Sexuality, And Society

    emotions and gender, health and gender. GS (Gender Studies) ...
