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  1. Archiving Fashion

    none   Speakers Natalie Nudell, The Ruth Finley Collection: Digitizing 70 Years of the Fashion Calendar. Gianluigi Di Giangirolamo, The Archives of Italian fashion weeks.  Steeve Gallizia, Brevets, marques et dessins & modèles, la mode et la propriété ...

  2. Made From. Reconsidering material global flows in Fashion

    none This session is part of our annual theme  Deconstructing the history of Parisian fashion: towards a dehierarchical narrative The history of Paris fashion has largely been told as a story of high fashion, of individual creativity and genius, of exclus ...

  3. The Cultural-Developmental Approach & Applications to Emerging Adulthood

    none This presentation will address how one-size-fits-all theories, which were highly popular in psychology in the 20th century, are often too rigid and too biased to adequately capture human development across diverse and changing cultures. An alternativ ...

  4. Kimetha Vanderveen Opening

    none April 25th from 18h00 to 20h30 there will be an opening in the Combes Gallery with wine and cheese of Kimetha Vanderbeen’s exhibition “Perceptions.” 100 Fixed-50px space ...

  5. Quel avenir pour nos démocraties? avec Perrine Simon-Nahum (Directrice du département de philosophie, ENS-Ulm)

    Comment restaurer l'idée de la démocratie à ceux qui pensent qu'elle les a abandonnées? Comment sortir du triomphe de l'individualisme et redonner goût de l'engagement, le désir d'une société d'égaux, une revendication de cit ...

  6. Elephant biologist and science writer Caitlin O'Connell discusses her new book, Wild Rituals

    Renowned elephant biologist, writer, and documentary filmmaker Dr. Caitlin O'Connell will be joining us for a presentation and book signing. After giving a broad overview of why all social animals engage in ritual, she will discuss the major themes i ...

  7. From utopia to real possibilities. How can critical social science contribute to political strategy? with Laurent Jeanpierre

    This conference will address questions of hope and powerlessness and their interplay in contemporary societies, as well as the role that social sciences can play in the renewal of our collective emancipatory imagination. Related links Department of Histor ...

  8. The Dishwasher Dialogues

    THE DISHWASHER DIALOGUES OFFERS A RARE INSIGHT INTO THE PARIS OF THE NINETEEN SEVENTIES AS FEW PEOPLE KNEW IT. The staff were dreamers, writers, painters, actors, dancers, and photographers. They all survived thanks to the legendary African American Leroy ...

  9. Justice as Equality: Inheritance for All

    Stefan Gosepath is Professor of Practical Philosophy at the Free University Berlin (Germany) and associated at the Departments of Politics there. He is Principal Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence ”The Contestation of the Liberal Script” (SCRIPTS), ...

  10. The Limits of Democracy- Book Discussion with Prof. Marcos Nobre

    In this timely book, Brazilian political philosopher Marcos Nobre analyzes the social and political roots of the election of Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency of Brazil and shows how this process is connected to the rise of new far-right movements threaten ...
