Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

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Search results

  1. The House of Uncommon Pleasures

    Media Art, Sound & Listening Sensory Studies Related Links Biswamit Dwibedy Sensory Studies Return to Overview Media, Art, Sound & Listening Return to Overview Civic Media Lab Project Biswamit Dwibedy  (Comparative Literature and English), The Hou ...

  2. Artist-in-Residence (2018-2020)

    Media Art, Sound & Listening Return to Overview Civic Media Lab Project Artist-in-Residence (2018-2020)  Mohammed Siam   ...

  3. Sensory Studies

    Formerly named the Taste Lab, the Sensory Studies research area supports work on sensory studies, and on taste’s relationship to community building, value-making, and cross-cultural dialogue.   Projects Food Without Borders Food Without Borders Sensory St ...

  4. Food Without Borders

    Sensory Studies Related Links Christy Shields Return to Overview Civic Media Lab Project Christy Shields (Communication, Media, and Culture), Beth Grannis (filmmaker and co-founder of Filmmakers without Borders), Madeleine Shorts films and website     Pro ...

  5. Popular and Municipal Magistrates at the Head of Each Community

    On Wednesday October 4th, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will be hosting a presentation by Professor Andrew Jainchill (Queen’s University Ontario) titled Popular and Municipal Magistrates at the Head of Each Community: The Marquis d’Argenson’s ...

  6. Quel avenir pour nos démocraties? avec Perrine Simon-Nahum (Directrice du département de philosophie, ENS-Ulm)

    Comment restaurer l'idée de la démocratie à ceux qui pensent qu'elle les a abandonnées? Comment sortir du triomphe de l'individualisme et redonner goût de l'engagement, le désir d'une société d'égaux, une revendication de cit ...

  7. Refusing to Be Silent: Engaged Conversations with Leading Intellectuals, book promotion

    How can we approach the world and guide our thinking in the face of profound, myriad challenges? The book seeks to formulate these challenges and develop ways to tackle them through a set of wide-ranging interviews with leading intellectuals of our times, ...

  8. People

    Director of the Center for Media, Communication, and Global Change Jayson Harsin Associate Professor, Communication, Media, and Culture  Affiliated Researcher, Northwestern University Center for Global Culture and Communication Research focus; Political t ...

  9. Rory Brennan Poetry Reading

    Rory Brennan has published half a dozen collections of poetry and numerous reviews and articles. His work has appeared in The Irish Times, The Times Literary Supplement, Poetry Ireland Review and other periodicals and anthologies. He was born and raised i ...

  10. Entre Nous: Possible Lives with Maria Stepanova and Daniel Medin

    Step into the poetic universe of renowned Russian poet Maria Stepanova as she explores her perspectives on memory, language, and politics. This event is a collaboration between The Center for Writers and Translators, Columbia Global Centers, The Institute ...
