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Search results

  1. BA3055 Disasters Management

    mitigate the human and financial pain they spawn. The key question posed and framework for study: How are ...

  2. CL3114 Imperial Rome: Philosophy, Literature, Society Studies the Greek and Latin literature of the Roman Empire. Readings will include: Seneca, star ...

  3. HI3114 Imperial Rome: Philosophy, Literature, Society Studies the Greek and Latin literature of the Roman Empire. Readings will include: Seneca, star ...

  4. PL3114 Imperial Rome: Philosophy, Literature, Society Studies the Greek and Latin literature of the Roman Empire. Readings will include: Seneca, star ...

  5. CL3032 The Monstrous And Fabulous Renaissance

    a Franco-centric perspective. Students will study texts by a range of Renaissance authors (including Erasmus, ...

  6. FR3032 The Monstrous And Fabulous Renaissance

    a Franco-centric perspective. Students will study texts by a range of Renaissance authors (including Erasmus, ...

  7. ME3076 Arab And African Cinema

    history and advance the art form. ME (Middle East Studies) ...

  8. ME2011 Early Islamic History

    Studies) ...

  9. ME1015 History Of The Middle East I

    from the 7th to the late 13th century, when the Mongol seized Bagdad. ME (Middle East Studies) ...

  10. ME2024 Intro To Islamic Art & Architecture

    Studies) ...
